if you have full access to a account and the e-mail registered to it is yours and you want to get it locked. Try this
Change all info ( login info, zip code, state, etc )
Change password
Call blizz up give them all the info that you just changed. Tell them you think you got a phishing e-mail and your not sure what to do and your worried.
They will most likely lock it due to owner dispute.
Then check your e-mail for the papers they sent you just delete them.
And if you want send a fake e-mail to the guy who might recall the account saying it got banned for w/e reason.
Now you'll have his account closed he shouldn't be able to retrieve it or if you sent him e-mail he might think its lost forever.
*An idea for getting account permabanned*
Call blizz up and give them all info on account then tell him you want to change e-mail and say like
" Yea please change it to [email protected] i used my paypal e-mail when i bought glider. It works really good i used it on my guy i got to 70 pretty fast" or something like that and hopefully he will ban the account.
I have not tested this since it is the weekend still but feel free it might not work or it might. just an idea i had. If they're reposts sorry i couldn't find another topic saying this.