Are you sure you can send wrapped items with the mail?
Well obviously this is like a 200 year old scam, its probably been posted like 200 times, and no one still falls for it.
Well guess what? I figured out how to get someone to accept the gift-wrapped item without suspicion...
Just in case you haven't heard of the goes like this:
1) You advertise that you are selling an expensive weapon/armor for a cheaper price than it really is.
2) When someone asks to buy it, you pretend you're in a rush and tell them you'll COD it to them.
3) You gift wrap some random crap and send it to them COD, hoping they'll think its their item.
Ok, i could explain it a lot better but theres probably posts about it.
Nowadays, many people become suspicious when you send them a gift-wrapped item : why couldn't you have just sent the item by itself?
Well i figured, if you could give them a good excuse to why it is gift wrapped, then they would accept the item!
Ok, what i did was i found a BOE/BOU Item that had a duration on it (like expires after 14 days) and i advertised that i was selling it.
/2 WTS Swift Flying Broom ONLY 500g!
(Also works with Flying Broom, Magic Broom and Swift Magic Broom, though with less profit)
These are items that have a 14 day duration, and are Bind on Use. Most people who got these sent them to their alts to keep, so the duration wouldn't pass.
Once i get a whisper from someone who wants to buy, i tell them that i'm in a hurry and i haven't got time to come to them, so i'll COD it.
So they agree, and i gift wrap a mining pick and send it to them,
In the letter, you write: "Sorry about the gift wrapping, but it stops the broom from finishing it's duration."
THATS IT! yes, they DO fall for it. It seems like an innocent enough excuse. The only other thing you need to do is to quickly send the money to your main when you get it, and delete and remake the character.
Just 2 more bits of advice for this:
1) Make a name that has the work BANK in it so they think you're a lvl 70s bank or something.
2) As alliance, do this from Darnassus or Exodar, As a Horde do this from Thunder Bluff or Silvermoon. Your targets are more likely to be in Stormwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar and Undercity, so if you're far away from those places, they'll more likely believe that you're in a hurry and you haven't got time to go ALL THE WAY to where they are.
Hope you can use this
Are you sure you can send wrapped items with the mail?
you can't send gift-wrapped items through the mail anymore
Then face-to-face them a wrapped mining pick with the above mentioned excuse...
Should really test ur stuff dude..
if i were approached with a gift-wrapped item ...... there would be no deal.
since you cant mail wrapped items any more, that excuse would not work as most would think .... "if i wanted the 14-day stopped i will just wrap it myself"
/agree ...... test your scams b4 posting them .... or risk getting a big red noob stamp on your forehead!
lol you cannot COD a wrapped item... but if you could it would work :P lol
You cannot send it in mail anymore :'( to bad or else this would be an awesome scam.. or you could trade it right by the bank so you can mail the gold fast to your main.
I would simply say "EPIC FAIL" but it's not epic. It's not worth that little bit of text. It's not remotely or considerably even worthy of a reply/comment/quote much less if it is, in fact, to be flamed like a burger from Steak & Shake.
The significance of this method of scamming is obsolete, and no longer executable, or in any other means possible.
Look, what I'm trying to say is.... Maybe you should try this method before posting it. You would have known that this was NOT possible, and thus saved yours, mine, and everyone else's time posting on this thread.
kthxbai. Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.
AI is no match for Natural Stupidity.
sorry, im actaully dont play wow anymore, i just scam accounts and sell, just wanted to help. You could do this face to face instead...not aws many people would fall for it but it would still work a seems like a reasonable excuse i reckon....
id help but idk how to do it ither 0_)
Screw this completely....
DO the same thing.... BUT instead of COD ing it...
go up to them and trade it with them.
You tell them the gift wrapping lets you trade it when its soulbound and stops the duration on it from passing !!!!!!!
Huge fail, huge.
Says the guy with 6 rep.
Maybe you should pick on leechers with LESS rep than you.
but failed, it wouldve worked if i knew that you couldnt mail wrapped items.