Originally Posted by
I'm looking for unobtainable quests for EU alliance, so if you have any, I'd really appreciate if you share it/them with me... Just reply here or PM me if you're up for helping me
The Ultimate
Make sure you're trying this on a private server using a mule account. Servers have crashed with people trying to do quests that weren't in the game and have gotten traced and banned for it.
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Ashoran (1 members gave Thanks to hackerlol for this useful post)
Originally Posted by
The Ultimate
Make sure you're trying this on a private server using a mule account. Servers have crashed with people trying to do quests that weren't in the game and have gotten traced and banned for it.
Yeah I'm aware, I'd never tried competing them, I just like collecting them to have them in my quest logs(I like collecting stuffz) But thanks for the heads up