X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME EU (Q)
Hello guys!
I haven't found anything about this mount so I'd like to ask some questions
1.Does it give you 2 mounts? I've heard that it is the X-TREME + the blue rocket.
2. Is it hard to sell it for real life currency?
3. How much money can ask for it?
Thanks for the answers
Elite User
No its only the purple one
the blue one is rarer and cost a lot more.
You can buy it for about $25 usd
$25 on EU? It sounds a bit low
Active Member
Jimmyamd, if you can get EU TCG mounts for 25dollar each! PM me!
25$ is around the price of 100k gold
Rocket worth more i think in EU.
Originally Posted by
Hello guys!
I haven't found anything about this mount so I'd like to ask some questions
1.Does it give you 2 mounts? I've heard that it is the X-TREME + the blue rocket.
2. Is it hard to sell it for real life currency?
3. How much money can ask for it?
Thanks for the answers
Hey mate, lately did the same on my main acc
The card gives you two mounts (red+blue), yes. Buying the epic (red) rocket gives you only the red rocket. Blue, blue.
For the cheapest available cross server check https://theunderminejournal.com/#eu for each server. Really check each server, because you might get an amazing offer.
Regularly the prize varies from 600-999k. Mostly above 700 from what I have seen. Checking all servers which felt abit tedious was rewarding, because I stumbled across an RP server on which a guy sold his rocket for merely 250k.
We talked about it and a smooth trade happened.
First I asked on the forums for someone who is willing to trade 250k for 300k (for him). Got someone who had "only" 200k and was willing to trade. Did so in segments for security and it was full of my own fears of potential losing / getting scamed, but none of that happened and we traded what we have agreed on.
I dont (want to) recall each detail, but in the end the owner of the mount was willing to trade 200k and a battlepet for it, I believe it was, which was around that value
You then only have to level a toon to 20 on that server you got received that mount and learn it
good luck to you, and enjoy the rocket barely anyone possesses
Last edited by crunk001; 11-05-2015 at 11:55 AM.
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Originally Posted by
No its only the purple one
the blue one is rarer and cost a lot more.
You can buy it for about $25 usd
my friend, the purple one is from the valentine's world event ...
the blue one is equal to the blue spectral tiger (in quality not in actual prize / value) and the red rocket to the epic spectral tiger. the blue rocket goes usually for 1/2 or 1/3 the prize of the red one.
you can not buy the red rocket for 25$ and use it on your EU account. The UK-sellers on ebay advertise it for US only. the exploit they use in the US does not work in the EU.
the red rocket is sold for a minimum of 180/190 in the EU from what I have seen and observed over the past months. Mostly 250€ average. And that currently translates over to around 650k gold value
Last edited by crunk001; 11-05-2015 at 12:02 PM.
Thanks guys!
You helped me a lot I think 200 € would be a pretty nice price to sell