I used tfortyranths guide to get acc name+pw from a pwlvling site, but i only managed to get the account name. Can anyone suggest a way that i can get the accounts password without knowing the answer to the secret question.
I used tfortyranths guide to get acc name+pw from a pwlvling site, but i only managed to get the account name. Can anyone suggest a way that i can get the accounts password without knowing the answer to the secret question.
ask in the scamming section
Maybe just PM'ing would have been better..
Thanks for the replys, to Freezer: What Acespades said, no questions there.
I would leave the account, what scam did u exactly use? Markee scam or phish? there are plenty of other ones out there.
I used tfortyranth's scam on wow pwlvling websites. Didn't work properly though.
Your prolly lost if you have his acc name only... BUT... If you got his email then try to search on myspace and other sites for some more info...