I don't know what to do!
Blizz's acc stuff is down for the weeked, all her toons are stripped, three of them are deleted.
And we can't retrieve the pass because her email was not changed when we changed ISPs...
Someone help... ;_;
I don't know what to do!
Blizz's acc stuff is down for the weeked, all her toons are stripped, three of them are deleted.
And we can't retrieve the pass because her email was not changed when we changed ISPs...
Someone help... ;_;
Lame attempt is lame.
You are heartless.
They stripped her warlock, priest, etc
The World of Warcraft Armory
And the ****ing GMs are taking forever to respond!
Wait until Monday then call Blizz.... That's the best thing you can do.
Most likely not, those guys are heart-less jerks too :P
I am so heartless that after reading over 9000 lame attempts to get free accounts, I say that yours is lame? Please learn to contribute before you expect people to believe you.
I NEVER asked for an account.
And I do contribute, my main account (Dragonshadow) is banned right now...
It will be unbanned at 4PM.
Yeah a GM just told me all we can do is wait until monday and call billing.
God ****ing hell damnit shit god.
Last edited by Blazehammer; 11-25-2007 at 12:00 PM.
Yeap, meh Main account was just perma banned, but Idc... Ill just start ova!
Im also heartless, and am with Stans on this one, but if your telling the truth... Ring Blizz on monday, and email them every day untill they finally restore it.
Last edited by Igsy; 11-25-2007 at 12:09 PM.
"A little pink goes a long way."
Photoshop Roxx. :lmao:
dude your mum plays wow?
anyway shes and adult so im sure she can get it bak
If you need me you have my skype, if you don't have my skype then you don't need me.
The next post in this thread is required to have a "Your mom" joke dealing with how she got banned.
Or else.....
Your mom said that I was banned from her bed
But dont fret, just bitch at Blizz enough, they will handle it...
But from the armory... didnt even seem that she had that good of gear anyway... Wtf is with all the pre-bc loot?
Last edited by Gothian; 11-25-2007 at 02:51 PM.
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