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  1. #1
    chronux's Avatar Active Member
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    How do I start working in the world of Raid Boosting for money?

    Hey, I don't know if this is the right category to post this, but I figure a question thread wouldn't be very popular in the Buy&Sell forums.

    I've been unemployed for a few months now, and despite my efforts, I can't find any job without a huge downside (driving to & from work 2h every day,...)
    As I've been consistently performing well on Mythic raids, to the point where HC feels liks a breeze, I was wondering if I could start earning something on boosting people.

    Are there any teams who do this and share profits among everyone helping? I've found similar groups which do it with gold.
    If not, what do I need to know to start one of these teams myself? How would I go and deal with advertisements without getting my main account banned etc?

    I'm very pleased with any help you guys may be able to deliver!

    How do I start working in the world of Raid Boosting for money?
  2. #2

    CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Well here's what I did a few years back when I actually used to play WoW and raid. I spoke with the guild leader, told him I was trying to organize some sort of boosting services which he happily agreed to do.

    So we discussed and arranged everything - the guild was the one in charge of bringing the one being boosted in group (claiming it was a friend or whatever) and we'd split the money 50/50 together

    If you're going to try and split the money with 10+ people then forget about doing this - you'll never make enough to cover the time / effort it takes, seeing how boosts become cheaper day by day.

    ✅ DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 ✅ SKYPE: d3pleveling

  3. #3
    Trixiap's Avatar Contributor
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    There are two types of boost sellers:
    1) Mythic guild that is boosting
    2) Middle man

    Next thing is how boosts are done: piloted or self-run

    Imho easiest way for you to start cashing on Mythic runs is to find guild (or create guild) where players are well geared and can run mythic in less than 20ppl. From that point you can start finding customers (trade chat/this forum) and make some deal with your guild mates how to split profit.

    Other way is to find mythic guild, ask them if they can do boosts for your customers and make deal about splitting profit.

    Also you can just find another 2 person and start selling challenge mode boosts which are also very profitable.

  4. #4
    chronux's Avatar Active Member
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    So let's say I get a team of about 8-9 people together and we boostl ike 3 people in HC runs at a time. It would seem to me with a 50/50 split, if I would ask only 50 euros of each client, that would mean 150 euros total. Considering it takes about an hour that would mean 16-18 euros an hour. I'm pretty sure I can ask alot more than 50 euros for a full HC run with loot though.

    Then there are still some other questions I'm asking myself.

    - Where would I get my clients from mostly? The trade forums here, or spamming trade chat now & then with a 2nd account?
    - What do I do in terms of taxes? My country is pretty strict with taxation stuff
    - Do I work with paypal gift etc to avoid cashback scammers?

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