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  1. #1
    tochybaja's Avatar Sergeant Major
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    Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy

    ***Notice of Account Closure***

    Account Name: xxxxx

    Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy

    This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy.

    Even if this is the result of account sharing, the account owner can still be held responsible for the penalty because of the impact it had on the game environment.

    We've found the above behaviour is many times directly related to groups responsible for compromising World of Warcraft accounts; we take these issues very seriously. To better understand our position against exploitative activity and the risks involved, please review this article: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/services/anti-gold/

    The exploitative activity that took place on this account violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask you take a moment to review these terms at Blizzard Entertainment: Blizzard Legal Documentation. Any recurring subscriptions on this account have been suspended to prevent further monetary charges.

    If you believe your account was compromised, please go to the following website https://eu.battle.net/account/suppor...-recovery.html. Our support staff will assist you as soon as possible. If you are unable to access your account due to the password being changed, please visit our Login Support site here: https://eu.battle.net/account/suppor...ord-reset.html

    For any disputes of this action or further information on Exploitive Activity, please visit the Exploitative Activity FAQ and contact page here: http://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/200783


    Customer Services
    Blizzard Entertainment Europe
    World of Warcraft

    Someone can help me ? What should i do now ? any chance to unban?

    Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy
  2. #2
    Thunderofnl's Avatar Elite User C# / Java / PHP Programmer
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    Call them up, tell them it wasn't you. Be polite and act like you don't know what the **** happened.

    If that doesn't work.. you can try drawing something funny and ask them if they take that in exchange for an unban.

  3. #3
    MiloMcSpunkins's Avatar Member
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    act like a retard who cant live without wow

  4. #4
    bazshi's Avatar Member
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    Try to draw a Unicorn or smthing, my work Attachment 11365

  5. #5
    wowson's Avatar Member
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    I have same problem today, If it is a SOR account Blizzard started to scam all ppl who bought sor accounts. I opened a ticked and told them tell me what i did toABUSE EConomy ? they said give us ur real id information that u r the owner of this account. i sent my digital id. Then everything changed. Answer was that u r not the owner of this account. i merged account to my battle.net account wich already have 3 active account created by me. And did something Blizzard was not expected i think. transfered one of my chars to this merged SOR account. which rule says character transfer only awailable for accounts registered to same person. They were transfered char in 15 mins. That shows im the registered owner of both accounts. But now they tell this account is not yours. lol Blizzard u are a cheap scammer. now im waiting for how do they explain this ? I was the owner while charater transfer but now they say this accounts owner is different. This is totaly scam made by Blizzard to sell us again new accounts and MopP expansions. Do

  6. #6
    phantom325's Avatar Turtle Nation
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    Originally Posted by wowson View Post
    I have same problem today, If it is a SOR account Blizzard started to scam all ppl who bought sor accounts. I opened a ticked and told them tell me what i did toABUSE EConomy ? they said give us ur real id information that u r the owner of this account. i sent my digital id. Then everything changed. Answer was that u r not the owner of this account. i merged account to my battle.net account wich already have 3 active account created by me. And did something Blizzard was not expected i think. transfered one of my chars to this merged SOR account. which rule says character transfer only awailable for accounts registered to same person. They were transfered char in 15 mins. That shows im the registered owner of both accounts. But now they tell this account is not yours. lol Blizzard u are a cheap scammer. now im waiting for how do they explain this ? I was the owner while charater transfer but now they say this accounts owner is different. This is totaly scam made by Blizzard to sell us again new accounts and MopP expansions. Do
    Ow, my eyes.

  7. #7
    wowson's Avatar Member
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    This is the latest response from Customer Support:

    I have brought this case to my superior and after some consideration we have unlocked both accounts. Please note however that account sharing/trading is not something supported by Blizzard and if there is an account dispute with regards to the original owners claiming the accounts back, you may lose these accounts.

    Please keep this in mind and consider it for the future.

    Now, as for the original lock on XXXXXX, we have found evidence that illegal third party software was being used. Please be aware that a 72 hour suspension has been placed on the account which won't be remove and we are giving you a FINAL warning in regards to using such software. If another detection is found, the account will be permanently closed.

    Take care now and please enjoy the rest of your day.

    Kind Regards,

    Game Master Ittoldore
    Customer Services
    Blizzard Entertainment

    LOL Blizzard, dirty little scammers ! U see they removed ban hahaha. First said abuse economy, i said show proof, than they said, u are not the owner, i said if im not how u transfered char, and final as u see they told me BOTTER and 72 hours suspend. And i realy dont use anything like that. But the most funny part is that. i told them i bought 2 SOR accounts, and merged to my Battle.net account they says its illegal to buy accounts but we let u do that. Hahahahahahaaa...

    Dont give up and fight for ur rights !!!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    aamlord's Avatar Active Member
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    @wowson Sounds a bit odd. You're mad at Blizzard because they caught you trying to take over someone else's old account via SoR?

  9. #9
    Devilsdog's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    @ wowson..................you don't know how much I'm /shoo ('ing) you right now, you deserve to be banned. It's my opinion but if you want to know why all you have to do is read your own posts, you already wrote the answer.

  10. #10
    wowson's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Devilsdog View Post
    @ wowson..................you don't know how much I'm /shoo ('ing) you right now, you deserve to be banned. It's my opinion but if you want to know why all you have to do is read your own posts, you already wrote the answer.
    Yes, i know there is a devil inside me. and Blizzard forced me to unleash him on them !

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