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    Elites360's Avatar Elite User
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    [Old] Hack bio

    What World of Warcraft hacks are possible?
    There’s many WoW hacks, cheats and exploits. Blizzard tries to prevent the use of them, but they’re normally updated and released again. World of Warcraft hacks can consist of:

    WoW Speedhacks:
    In World of Warcraft, you’re given a predefined character speed. This speed can be manipulated by the hack, and this would allow you to run faster than the game intends. Syndrome, PMGFusion and BWH all have speedhacks.

    WoW Teleport Hacks:
    Teleport hacks are very detectable server side, they work by teleporting you to a specific location by coordinates. The problem is that the server can detect the huge distance travelled, which could jeopardise your World of Warcraft account.

    WoW Telehacks:
    The difference between a teleport hack and telehack? A telehack simply teleports you over small distances which are predefined (ie. Are already recorded), whereas a teleport hack will transport you to wherever you want to go in World of Warcraft by inputting the coordinates. Telehacks are a lot less detectable and can be found in Syndrome or PMGFusion.

    WoW No Fall Damage Hacks:
    These hacks simply remove the fall damage from the game. This isn’t very detectable server side or otherwise. World of Warcraft penalises you ingame if you fall too far, this hack simply removes that penalty.

    There’s also many World of Warcraft dupes, exploits, cheats and bots.

    WoW Dupes:
    World of Warcraft dupes are extremely rare as they could be worth a lot of money, websites selling only a ‘dupe method’ are 100% scams, do not pay for them, they simply explain how to abuse ingame lag which is very unreliable and doesn’t’ work in practice. More common World of Warcraft dupes are item dupes or ingame gliches which require a certain situation for a small benefit. An example of a recent dupe would be the GM Dupe which took advantage of the name abuse power. Player A would create a character with an offensive name, Player B would then transfer all her gold to player B (1000 gold, for example). After 20 minutes, Player B would warn a GM that Player A has an offensive name.

    A GM will then contact Player A saying ‘You’re going to need to change your name, I’m logging you out in 2 minutes’, during which time Player A would transfer all the gold back to Player B (1000 gold). Player A would then be logged out of the game, but when she logs in again, she’ll still have the 1000 gold as there’s a slight lapse in time. That way, both Player A and Player B have 1000 gold, the gold has been duped. This method however was patched a few days after it became public and will no longer work.

    WoW Exploits and Cheats:
    World of Warcraft Exploits and Cheats are quite common. These abuse any glitches or bugs within the game to the players advantage. An example of a World of Warcraft exploit would be how to easily raise your weapon skill overnight by doing nothing, how to carry more inventory items then you’re allowed, how to kill bugged bosses easier, how to gain the advantage in PvP. There’s many websites dedicated to World of Warcraft exploits, they charge for membership since when exploits become too popular (and everyone knows them) they’re patched by Blizzard.

    WoW Bots:
    There’s currently no good World of Warcraft bots as they’re all currently detected by Blizzard. Bots play the game like the player would. World of Warcraft can be extremely boring when levelling up, and bots automate this process so you can level up while you sleep. Blizzard has a hard stance on World of Warcraft bots and there’s currently no 100% undetectable bots around.

    Unlimited Health/Never Die Hacks/Weapon Hacks:
    These hacks are possible, but not on the official World of Warcraft Blizzard servers. Some websites try to scam you into thinking that weapon hacks exist by providing screenshots of amazingly powerful weapons – but these screenshots are taken on emulated servers which aren’t official. ‘Cheating Death’, ‘never die’ or unlimited HP hacks aren’t possible on the official servers so don’t bother asking for them!
    Last edited by Elites360; 04-28-2009 at 02:58 AM.

    for some people that didnt know what hacks can be.
  2. #2
    Fishy80's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: for some people that didnt know what hacks can be.

    taken from

    I think this "guide" is a bit old or uninformed however... as they say there are no good bots undetected.... they didnt mention glider...

    and they did not mention that... as a hack like... a no fall damage hack... may not be THAT detectable... the program somone made to use the hack may need to inject something... and that program may be detected...and stuff like that....

  3. #3
    idusy-org's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: for some people that didnt know what hacks can be.

    Originally Posted by wow_king
    ‘Cheating Death’, ‘never die’ or unlimited HP hacks aren’t possible on the official servers so don’t bother asking for them!
    How on earth does a 19 un-twinked shaman survive with HP so low you cant see it on the bar any longer, against a 10 man zerg in WSG? This is defienitly as possible as removing fall DMG.
    Unproud member of Snitchstianity

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