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  1. #1
    BenchPress's Avatar Private
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    Selling a LARGE amount of gold via Main Account, will this work?

    So I have only one account, and I have never once bought, sold, or traded accounts/intangible currency. So my track record is clean; however I have accumulated a large amount of gold through legit means, and have no use for it. The items purchasable with gold hold no incentive for me, and I am not much of a collector.

    So with that said, I wish to sell my stockpile of gold on my Main Account to upgrade my laptop. I have found a reputable buyer, with a large track record, and I have no worries of a scam through his position. Not to mention, he is a US citizen and can speak literate English.

    I have an idea which may work, and I am just looking for your guys input.

    On my main account I have my gold stored on a bank alt, with all of my gold within the guild bank. I haven't touched that gold in the guild bank in probably a month, and I intend to keep it that way.

    I had thought up a dialogue scheme which I feel would be efficient. The buyer and I will be discussing matters via an external messaging system to get everything set up.

    Within WoW, I will log on, as will he, and we will not communicate whatsoever. I will spam in trade chat something similar ... "Retiring from WoW, and plan on giving my Guild Bank away with a little gift inside as my tribute to the long years I have spent on this awesome server. The first person to guess -question- will receive my gift. Go!"

    At that moment, the question will be personal, and everyone will be spamming the chat. I will give my buyer the correct answer through external means, and he will offer the correct answer in chat.

    I will send him a message, amazed he guessed the answer correct, and we will have small talk about the game. How I loved the server, and I wish to give back to the community.

    Then I will invite him to the guild, and he will see the gift which I have held inside, which of course is a unreal gift. At that point, the buyer will act morallyand say he cannot accept so and so gift. I will plead for him otherwise, and I will leave. Adding him to my friends list, and wishing him the best.

    If I happen to be banned for such a large transaction, I have dialogue to back up my gesture with a clean track record. If they appeal that the person I gave it to has ties with buying / selling, I will tell them I had no idea previously, however a gift was indeed a gift.

    How do you guys think this plan will fair? I honestly believe it sounds fool proof. Not to mention, we could go deeper and when the buyer pleads to not be able to take the lot of gold + bank, I will say okay ... how about you buy me -whatever item- and we can call it an invested trade that you will use the gold to help progress your future in this game.

    Selling a LARGE amount of gold via Main Account, will this work?
  2. #2
    thebigman's Avatar Contributor Reliable Trader
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    yea uhhhhhh

    I just have them put something on the AH for whatever amount of gold they are buying, then I buy it.

    Or make a new toon, mail it to him, trade and delete it before its logged as a real character in blizzards database.

    either way is perfectly safe

  3. #3
    Anonie's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Your post's idea could work. But you'd have to quit wow for like 2-3 weeks or something. Or do this just before the subscription runs out for a few weeks and then come back. If you're feeling lucky and don't plan on doing this again for a very long time, get a VPN, connect to wow, vendor your shit and sell the gold. Log in a few hours later and ticket saying you lost your gold + stuff.

    EDIT: whatever you do, DO NOT EVER MENTION GOLD SELLING OR ANYTHING LIKE THIS IN GAME IN /S, /Y, /1, /2... /RA, /P, /REAL-ID, /T OR EMOTES, OR ANY WAY IN CHAT. Blizz logs ALL chat nearly indefinitely and GMs can pull up conversations on a whim. Do however, respond surprised in /g or /t to friends saying wtf... shit's gone account's been hacked, etc.. But it will only work if you don't have an authenticator attached to your account. Just remember they log all chat in game.
    Last edited by Anonie; 06-27-2011 at 03:14 AM.

  4. #4
    Iamagoodmage's Avatar Private
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    I think a good tactic would be that you invite that person to your guild bank with the gold there and make him the GM, as in pretend you guys are friends and the have him kick you xD or dont give him GM just give him power to get the gold form there and have him g quit
    I think something around this would work without a problem

  5. #5
    jungly's Avatar Member
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    Buy vanilla account under different vpn. Invite vanilla to your guild, make him GM.
    /Gquit with your main account. Wait two weeks, maybe even invite some people to the guild while you sit on your million gold. When the time comes sell the gold by inviting the 'gold buyer' to the guild, he'll withdraw 100k per day or whatever the limit is. Sit and wait for your vanilla account to get banned, guild baned and all the members banned (in a worst case scenario) - but ... your main account is safe.

    Anyone know of any better tricks?

  6. #6
    phantom325's Avatar Turtle Nation
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    Thebigman's first suggestion would probably be the best, but this thread is from a month ago. unless you're looking to sell gold

  7. #7
    yupyup's Avatar Member
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    How do you know that these methods are actually safe? Is it verified somehow? I have tons of gold and want to get rid of some but am worried that it'll get the rest of my 85s banned.

  8. #8
    phantom325's Avatar Turtle Nation
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    I've done the Guild Bank method before, transferred 750k off, it all depends on if you get lucky or not. sometimes you'll get lucky, sometimes you won't.

  9. #9
    jungly's Avatar Member
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    lets assume you're selling to chinese gold seller who is flagged, how do you now avoid getting your main bots banned and only your vanilla account banned? do u still do guildbank transfer? how do you transfer guildmaster ownership to the vanilla account without it looking obvious?

  10. #10
    yupyup's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by thebigman View Post
    Or make a new toon, mail it to him, trade and delete it before its logged as a real character in blizzards database.
    How do you know it's not logged in their database? I'm sure there's a digital footprint.

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