[RAF] Want a raf partner? Post here!
This is to remove the amount of RAF threads we have as its getting annoying and wasting a large amout of awesome wow general space.
So post here i you want a RAF partner.
Please attempt to edit your post if you have found a partner or your email/PM box will get full
Note: Please post if your EU/US or it will get confusing
Last edited by Errage; 04-26-2009 at 02:34 PM.
If you need me you have my skype, if you don't have my skype then you don't need me.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks
Ghostfang (1 members gave Thanks to 2dgreengiant for this useful post)
I might be participating in writing a guide to RaF leveling. Yes, this is relevant.
If anyone wants someone to RAF invite them on EU, drop me a line
Hey there, i need a RAF'er it needs to EU horde and on a PVP server, you will refer me, and you need to have a level 80 to boost us, and supply us with a bit of gold. I would also prefer if you have got a bit of experiencein RAF'ing and boosting rafs...
No longer needed...
Last edited by Zylin; 08-03-2009 at 01:17 PM.
Active Member
Im looking for RAF US partner, I invite you, so you must have your own cd key.. I will boost us with my 80, I will provide bags, starter gold for skills, and mounts... It will be horde on Kel thuzard realm... Thanks please PM Me..
EDIT:found somone
MSN:[email protected]
Last edited by cooper101; 04-28-2009 at 09:43 PM.
I am looking for someone to recruit me, you supply the card for me, I am looking to be on non stop for the whole weekend leveling.
MSN: [email protected]
Last edited by Nanubz; 07-06-2010 at 05:53 AM.
Active Member
you misspelled space:P, no sorry couldn't resist.
I'm looking for an EU raf partner aswell! eu, and i recruit you
Looking for an EU raf partner, best would be Skullcrusher. (other servers are fine too)
I buy my own account and you recruit me, you should also be able to have us boosted trough most levels. I want to get level 60 within a week.
Hello, i would like an EU partner, recruit you.
Would like to be leveling from 6-10 every night.
Must be a pvp realm.
pm me
Active Member
Looks like mah old thread is a goner now, so better post something here.
So yeah, I'm looking for an europe RaF mate. I've been wanting to level up a paladin, but I've never had the willpower to do that by normal leveling... so tedious >_<. Anyway, I'mma looking for someone to be recruitted. Can't get you keys, I'm afraid (and broke ;_; ), but I have boosters ready to boost us to victory! And of course, I can get you some money and gear, to start on the server.
Contact me and we'll make a deal. For now, current boosting possibilities are Argent Dawn (horde), Darksorrow (horde) and one PvP server I can't recall (alliance).
Why are you reading this? :gtfo2:
Active Member
Hey im looking for a RAF parthner...you can recruit me but you must supply the cd keys. I hope to level AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!
Im willing to raf with anyone us any server must provide basic wow cd key or account and ill do it
hey guys, i got a RAF account that i'm willing to give to someone to RAF w/ me and the account got 1 month of time also. Im in the US and on Realm Boulderfist
please contact me on PM here.