Hey there, I'm recruiting you to RAF
We'll be doing alts in the meantime while waiting for our primary objective, a new server.
When one to come up, we'd be online and leveling hours (Preferable no more then 3) within it's launch. We'd be up late (If weekend please be able to not fall asleep until level 60). We'd level at a very fast pace (Must be able to play from 3PM - Midnight EST every day). I have friends doing similar when a new server comes up, and we will be in a guild together, quickly hitting 80 and getting to raiding, getting multiple server firsts.
I would be going Mage, and you would (pref.) go Prot paladin/Resto Druid/Priest
In the meantime we'd level up alts, I'd pay for our stuff, run throughs and such, and I would assume you would do the same on your/friend's servers.
contact me at: [email protected]