EU Cutting Edge Veteran Raid cleared on highest Difficulty.
I offer half a Million Gold plus my Wisdom for you subscribing 9 Months.
Click Here to get recruited or PM me your Contact info.
EU Cutting Edge Veteran Raid cleared on highest Difficulty.
I offer half a Million Gold plus my Wisdom for you subscribing 9 Months.
Click Here to get recruited or PM me your Contact info.
I'm wanting the RAF swag like the mount.
Trying to find a better way than just essentially wasting buying time on a 2nd account I'll never use.
Any US players uhh.. have any ideas / options they'd take part in to help me get the RAF mount ?
I'm happy to assist you in game too.
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Last edited by ronniekray; 10-21-2021 at 04:24 AM.
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Last edited by ronniekray; 10-21-2021 at 04:24 AM. Reason: de
ngl I just want the RAF mount so looking to RAF someone for a US account.
Please let me know if I can send a RAF invite for an account for you :-)
I can help as much as you'd like me to for the most part.
Play with you if you'd like me to but @ the same time all I want is the RAF mount so if you'd rather just do your own thang hey great I just don't want to make a shell account I'll never touch y'know.
Thirsty Shameless Beg: LFW on Retail WoW US. Any Boosting Groups Looking For A Leveler I'm Very Interested! Please PM Me! 🤘😁🤘
I play NA servers multiple aotcs and cutting edge willing to help will provide gold and boosting trough dungeuns gearing up world events if u use my link and subscribe Pally tank and dps.[
Last edited by luanaCD; 06-16-2024 at 04:52 AM.