Posted - 07/12/2006 : 01:26:22 Show Profile Reply with Quote
I want to start out by saying that I have a friend that works as a GM at Blizzard in Irvine,CA.
The only way that you can be found out is if someone reports you, and then the GM has to actually sit there and watch you for a few hours and even then, they have look back at your history of play. They have to look at all aspects to be positive that you are indeed botting. They will sometimes message you, sometimes they will not.
So to be carefull, Use shadow mode, its very important to use your logout timer, unless your completely positive that your in a secluded area and no-one will be around.
Use fight back against players if your on a pvp server (most likely they will kill you pretty fast so its ok) but at least it looks like your there.
(This is optional.) Use the mod called "Privacy" from This mod does not put an AFK tag or DND tag on you, but will block whispers that can be replayed, and tell the person that if they really want to message you to use the "/TELL" command and even then if you dont respond it just looks as if you dont want to be bothered. If you have people you talk to, tell them that your little brother or sister is gonna be playing for you for a while.. This is another good way not to be bothered..