I'm Night Elf Hunter. And i was wondering what is the best pet for me??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I'm Night Elf Hunter. And i was wondering what is the best pet for me??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
That is a very controversial question Markoman...
As such there are a multitude of answers out there and they are all correct. It depends on your play style.
A good information source is http://www.goodintentionsguild.info/hunters.html
As to the best pet for for a Night Elf
This is what I use: (Lvl 60 Hunter with an odd MM/SV build)
for PVP: Frostsaber Stalker
It has a 1.5 Attack Speed (Not the Best) but the pure white color makes up for it.
For PVE: Ashmane Boar
The Boar is probably not the best PVE pet in the game.. However not being a BM, Charge comes in quite handy to help build initial aggro.
Other Favorites:
Wolves of any kind are great for raiding.. the extra dps from howl is usually appreciated.
Broken Tooth or a ZG Bat
Both have a 1.0 attack speed.. out of the 2.. my pick would be Broken Tooth, as the bats are hell on targetting.
Hope this helps,
Well, i need a pet good for PvP, but not so big lvl, i'm small lvl (16) so i can't tame lvl60 but i need a pet good for pvp's...now i have Nightsaber Stalker lvl 12 and i like it, it' strong, and has good abilities... but i need something more powerful... can u help me?
If you want something solid try a bear, they're pretty tough
If pro is the opposite of con, then what is the opposite of Progress?
Boars or cats are good for PvP....Cats have sprint and you can use intimidation with that (stun). Boars have charge.
You can check stats of alot of pets here
A very good low level cat is The Rake
Grab Broken Tooth when you are his level and keep him forever for PvP.
I'd suggest a wolf for PvE and instances.
Thanks, i took zour advices, and now i'm 18 lvl... but i gave my acc to my friend, and i took his dwarf Paladin... It's great, i like it more, even i'm 8 lvl... but in week, i'll get to 16-17 lvl...
Ok, so I'm extremely irritated when right off, when discussing mounts, pets, races, classes, etc. people say "WHAT IS THE BEST?" Ugh. Anyways, as Lekrith said, The Rake is pretty good...or go with an elder nightsaber/nightsaber stalker. Or get a boar. Or, better yet, get the Stormwind Sewer Monster.
I got Broken tooth a long time ago and Still have him
Cats ftw
I don't do design anymore
Get the sewer monster...
Ok man, here's the deal: at lvl 10 get a nice bear(lot of armor, taunt ability bla bla), keep it as long as possible then get a nice cat for higher lvls
P.S.-> Don't use em in instance unless necesary So get a bear asap
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