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    UltimaX's Avatar Member
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    How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Hello, this is my first post but I have been viewing the forum for a while now. Anyways I would like to know the safest way to buy/sell gold to the gold sale sites. I am asking because I was considering selling some of my gold to a gold sale site, but they only let you do this through mail. Doesn't Blizzard monitor ingame mail? And wouldn't it be a little suspicious sending 1500g to an account with only a lvl 1 character?

    They suggested that you create another account to send the gold from, but then I would just be throwing away $20 for each account that gets banned:confused:
    Last edited by UltimaX; 03-14-2007 at 10:35 PM.

    How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.
  2. #2
    laineter's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Try to search it on google bcoz there's alot of website that buying some golds and accounts.

  3. #3
    UltimaX's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Originally Posted by laineter
    Try to search it on google bcoz there's alot of website that buying some golds and accounts.
    Yea I already found some sites that I may try, but I want to know what I can do to prevent my account from becoming frozen / banned.

  4. #4
    Master Sgt's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    bliz bans for sending gold to low lvl accounts? i send some gold to my low char although it is usually only 1g and my char eventually give back more than i send

  5. #5
    UltimaX's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Originally Posted by Master Sgt
    bliz bans for sending gold to low lvl accounts? i send some gold to my low char although it is usually only 1g and my char eventually give back more than i send
    I am not sure, I have just heard that Blizzard will ban you. That is what I would like to clarify. Maybe it isn't true. Plus I am talking about very large amounts not 1g Is that character on the same account as your main, or do u have two accounts? If they are the same account then obviously Blizzard wouldn't care about that.

  6. #6
    lohkies's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    do a /who on the recieving character...go to the city after the starting area(like if its a gnome/dwarf) go to karanos..wait for trade..dont send through mail..they dont warn you and you get perma banned

  7. #7
    laineter's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Originally Posted by UltimaX
    Yea I already found some sites that I may try, but I want to know what I can do to prevent my account from becoming frozen / banned.
    Ok, just don't some scamming or selling some golds or maybe you can create a new account then transfer all the gold/items you want to sell. I hope it would help.

  8. #8
    Zarathustra's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Bliizzard will ban you for sending stuff to lower level chars?

    I'd have to think that's not true, unless they can track which account the chars are on, as I constantly trade sh*t between my alts.

    My main - A L36 Dwarf hunter's good for farming stuff that my other chars can use .. or sending greens / blues to the enchanting Mage char who just hit L22.

    If I get stuff my other chars can use, I send it via Mail .. hell, I just enchanted one of the weapons my main is using through this method.

    So, unless Blizz has a way of tracking this sort of thing, and I wouldn't put it passed them, you wouldn't be banned for simply sending gold to a lower level char .. though having 1500 gold might be suspicious.

  9. #9
    UltimaX's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Originally Posted by lohkies
    do a /who on the recieving character...go to the city after the starting area(like if its a gnome/dwarf) go to karanos..wait for trade..dont send through mail..they dont warn you and you get perma banned
    Hmm, thats exactly what I wanted to do, but I was talking to a customer support representative and he told me that I could only do gold transactions through mail. By any chance have you done this before?

    I was talking to the same person and I asked him what the chance my account would get banned and he told me 50% lol, I think he just pulled that number out of no where tho
    Last edited by UltimaX; 03-14-2007 at 10:28 PM.

  10. #10
    Maq-'s Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    You have to keep in context here. No, blizz will not ban you just because you send items/gold to a low level character, if the name is the same on all of the accounts. I'm also not saying that they >will< ban your account if you get a large amount of gold from someone. But, it >is< possible that your account >could< get banned. Take, for example, one account which is constantly sending large amounts of gold to multiple characters on multiple different accounts. This may fly a red flag at Blizz, and they may monitor which accounts receive this gold after the flag goes up.

    Now, if they check records, and see that your account has received large amounts of gold on differnet occasions from random people, it may be enough evidence to ban you, or they may let it slide.

    Who knows how they track, or what they look for, but it does happen.

    And, as far as I know, there would be no safe way to do it. Even if you create a completely different account with different information, you still have to send the gold to your character on your account, and if they so desired, they could montior all of these transactions. To further explain...

    Your account is "ABC" -> and your main's name is "wtfbbqwings"
    You create an account "XYZ" with the character "wingsofbbq-wtf"

    You buy gold, and have it sent to wingsofbbq-wtf. Blizzard notices this. Even though wingsofbbq-wtf doesn't have any of your actual information on it, you still need to get this gold to wtfbbqwings.. So, you send the gold from wingsof.. to wtfbbq.. And bam. Now they have you.

    Wow.. That was a lot of rambling on about nothing.. But it shows my point, I hope =p
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    UltimaX's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Yea I understand, but the way to get past that is to use the trade window with ur two accounts, rather than mail. Supposedly Blizzard does not monitor trade window transactions.

  12. #12
    Maq-'s Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    That's great information, if it works. But who knows what Blizz does and doesn't monitor.. Again the point of.. You buy gold with 2nd acct.. Blizz flags it b/c it had mail sent to it, monitors all activity of that account, sees the direct trade, bam, again, you're it with the banstick.

    But.. Again.. I have absolutely no idea how or what they monitor.. i'm just saying.. there's >NO< surefire way to get around it.. They >could<, if they wanted to, monitor everything.

    Yeah, that's a lot of work.. but how much do they get paid each month? Exactly.. hehe.. Just my 2CP worth. =)

    Originally Posted by UltimaX
    Yea I understand, but the way to get past that is to use the trade window with ur two accounts, rather than mail. Supposedly Blizzard does not monitor trade window transactions.
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  13. #13
    Spazzoid's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Me i have honeslty bought gold 3 times from gamerking. a total of 2,000 at lvl 37 ^_^

    i had the top shit for my lvl and i never got caught.

    Kinda expensive though
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  14. #14
    UltimaX's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    Yea on my main a while ago, at aroung lvl 20 or so I bought some gold a few times and nothing happened. Now I am 70, so it has been some time. All is I know that every once in a while Blizzard posts on their main site saying how many people they banned who have broken the rules, although they say most of them are player reported offenses. I am just thinking that Blizzard has gotten a little more strict and they may be cracking down a little more. No clue, I just want to sell some of my gold to get a little spare money, but I do not need my main account to be frozen. All the hours (more than a month of play time on that one character) would be a total waste. I guess it may not be worth it though, if it is such a big risk.

  15. #15
    michael93013's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to keep your account safe when buying or selling gold.

    yeah my neighbor bought gold twice long ago, and nothing bad happened, but he did recently and got perma banned. We spent 2 weeks complaining, even had his dad call a couple of times, and he got his account back.
    I think they've been monitoring this a lot recently, and i think the only way to do this if i were to do it, is have the gold company send you a crappy item in CoD form for the 1500g, then you hold no responsibility, and they cant prove you violated nothing.
    Just my 2 cents.

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