The last poll went very well. So how bout this one. What is the easiest class to PvP with on World of Warcraft?
The last poll went very well. So how bout this one. What is the easiest class to PvP with on World of Warcraft?
If you need me you have my skype, if you don't have my skype then you don't need me.
Rogues no doubt, their strategies do not change from fight to fight unlike most other classes.
Hunter if your level 29... druid if your level 26... rogue if your twinked..
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Depends, Im thinking about Lvl70 here,
World PvP: Locks or Hunters...Sorry Rogues, If you get Dotted On First by either of these classes...Say goodbye...Stealth breaks every time you take damage
BG's: Rogues Without a Doubt...Especially in WSG
warlocks for sure
Warlocks for SURE. No one even TRY to say they are hard to PvP let alone PvE with lol. warlocks = EZ mode. With hunters running in second, id have to say they would only be second easiest if the hunter was BM. Even if the hunter was BM, he needed to wait for the beast within CD to actually be "easy". And rogues actually do take some skill to play, i hate saying it because i always get rocked by rogues on my hunter (marksman) and scream "NO SKILL MOTHER F***s" when 2 rogues are stunlocking me.
Last edited by ghost111; 05-29-2008 at 08:04 PM.
Alkhara : "Trade went smoothly. WoW for ****** FTW."
/sigh lol
Wooot first page xD warriors!!!
removed by Unholy
warlocks fo sho
PvP its warrior (coming from a 2.3k rogue this season and 2.3k lock last season) all you have to do is hope u get lucky RNG, sry warriors but its true mash hamstring and MS, all you need to do to win.
Find it ironic that you counter this persons generalisation yet then make one yourself, that's worse. At least his generalisation was about how about the fact that Rogues don't need to change strats against other classes so much, you don't even give evidence to counter it with, just "they require ALOT [caps = it's right, amirite?] of skill."
Holy requires huge amounts of coordination in the simple fact you have to get yourself in the best area to heal effectively without getting CC'd. Foolish moving will cause death for any Holy Paladin, you must know where each and every opponent is. It even gets harder choosing your blessings, more so in something like 2s or 3s. BoSarc will make Blind and Sheep useless on you, but what if your other team mate/s need freedom or wisdom?
Ret is just as hard. Ret you must sort out blessings on each player as well as keeping track on dispels and pumping out the burst that you are good at.
Rogue it's pretty much stacking AP and having the least lag you can for locking. Yes, skilled Rogues are good, and it's amazing to see them in action... But aren't all classes like that in the end? You can notice a skilled Rogue and a skilled Paladin. E.G. a skill Paladin working with a melee/hunter with effectively bop them a second before you know a Rogue is going to Cheap Shot them and then remove it with might/free/sarc right after the Rogue pops to an 'immune' combat text.
Paladin takes huge amounts of timing, fast discussion making and fast reaction times to play effective, just like most classes. However they must depend on it more because they are so gimp in most brackets.
i'd say no class is easy at pvp.. but the easiest one to get "decent" with is warrior... anyone that is good at pvp and wow can make any class a pain in the ass at pvp though... BG or arena...
Easiest would deff. be a rogue as long as you have decent season gear or T6 all you have to do is spam hemo and down they go.
Warrior, no skill required.
And lol, so many people voted Hunter!
I say a ret pally.
I would get pwned to shizz by this Belf pally called Monkeybar (Full S1) on my S2 shaman no matter what I did, I tried EVERYTHING, I am good at playing my shaman, this guy was better at playing his pally.
I'm leveling a pally. =D
54 atm.