I got scammed, on buying an account, but can still access it. What now? menu

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    irathernottell's Avatar Member
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    I got scammed, on buying an account, but can still access it. What now?

    Hey guys!

    I bought an wow account a while back. Wasnt able to login all of a sudden, and the guy didnt respond to my emails anymore.
    Started to look if he might changed his pass back to a previous one, and he did.

    So I am able to login, but what now?

    My goal is to secure the account, making him unable to login, so I can play what I payed for.

    I have:
    -the UN+PW
    -serial number from WoW
    -serial number from TBC (which I payed for, and upgraded the account with)
    -answer to secret question

    I do not have his previous mail account though :/

    I think what I need to do first is be able to change the mail address to a mail address that I control. But how do I do this?

    Any other ideas on how to secure the account so I can play on it again?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS. I found this http://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-sc...ged-yours.html thread. But I am not gonna try and risk anything, so I will want some more infor before making my move

    I got scammed, on buying an account, but can still access it. What now?
  2. #2
    Aaxx's Avatar Member
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    Do you have the last name on the account? ( I know you didn't say you did, but that's something you need)

    If you have that then it's pretty easy. Call up blizzard say that you have lost the original email and have them swap it to a new one. ( make a new email account for them to swap it too. Don't be an idiot and use one attached to one of your accounts.) They will ask you for the name on the account and for the Secret Awnser.

    They'll change it over no problem. From here just request password , change password, and it's yours. Of course he can do the same process backwards to get it back. There are a few guides around about how to make it permenant ( transferring and getting original account banned) but for the most part there is always a way for the original owner to get the account back.

  3. #3
    irathernottell's Avatar Member
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    okay, I logged into the account while he was on, so he changed the email address.

    In order the change the email address for an account Blizzard will need:
    Should you be encountering issues with the automatic email change feature or if you are unable to access the currently registered email address; we can change it for you if you provide the following information for account verification:
    - Your account name (please do NOT send us your password)
    - Your full real name
    - Your full address including postal or zip code currently registered on the account
    - Your full email address (currently registered on the account)

    Additionally we will require two of the following:
    - The authentication key used to create the account
    - Your Secret question and answer
    - The last 4 digits of the credit card used on the account plus the expiration date OR the full gamecard code
    Which I dont all have, sadly

    So guess Im just ****ed :/

    To bad, since he lvl'd the pala from 60 (at which I bought it last year) to 70, got full S3, 6/8 T6 and some MH items =p

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