Ok, well i was playing on my main char (lvl 61) and all the sudden i was disconnected.
2 hours earlier
I was making a trial account and looking for a mountain climber to use on a trial and impress some peeps but i couldnt find one so i use some speedhacking on cheatengine. I turned the hacks off and then logged to have dinner. Then i get back on (forgeting i have cheat engine still on) and then log on my main and do some duels and some of that crap, then i get disconnected and i start to think someone hacked my account because i try to log on and it says invalid username or password. Then i get scared and i go on blizz, change my password by using the retrieve password. I get that and try to log on and it says "Temporarily suspended" and then i realize cheat engine is still open and attached to wow and im feeling like a freaking idiot. so now i think my account is flagged and i dont know i just feel nervous, thats my story about it and also dont forget to turn off cheat engine when your done![]()