If this has been posted before i am going to be pissed, but this is my attempt at getting out of leecher noobieness. Everyone who i have showed this too thinks its pretty cool, useless, but pretty cool. So, here it is.
My cable company is screwed right now, so it would take forever to fraps this, so im just going to post ss's and a vid later. First actual post Links above the pic for those who can't see them.
Hope it works for ya. I know there is going to be some noob mistake i make and i probably won't know how to edit so be nice thanks guys! Enjoy!
This is where your goal spot is. http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/b...a722/intro.jpg
Step One: Leap of Faith, use the latern as a spotter or just hop up without using it at all.
Step Two: On the ledge you go. Take a leap through that wall.
Step Three:
Step Four: Just a little addition to the location for you.
Step Five:
Step Six: The landing.