Absolutely sick!! You have been using this Flying Exploit to show us views of instances that we would have never seen otherwise. Very much appreciated!
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to xPlacebox again."
What's up with banning your videos from being watched on phones?
Elektropop, I know you didn't ask me, but someone asked me the same thing the other day on my most recent video.
It is not something I'm choosing (to my knowledge). I believe it is a new copyright thing by YouTube that bans certain songs from being played on phones. That is my guess anyhow. I will do my best to avoid the more "pop" oriented songs to try to combat this... but I honestly don't know what is triggering it or how else I can avoid it.
Placebo, do you have any knowledge on all this? Curious if you know more about it, as it really bothered me on my video! Hate to see users not be able to view things I put up.
I've watched most of your recent videos and never had a problem with any of them. However, none of placebos can be watched on my iPhone.
Nice video as always. Thanks for sharing!
Elektropop, please try to watch my most recent video on your iPhone... it is the only one I have ever gotten this particular complaint on, but at least 4 people have commented that they can't watch this video on their phone. My only guess is that it has something to do with the music.
Drak'Tharon Keep - WoW Exploration patch 4.3.4 - YouTube
(Thanks for your support, btw! And sorry Placebo, didn't mean to thread hijack, but this concerns you, too!)
Very odd! I watched that video on my phone the day it got out without any problems but now I can't watch it .
(It's the one with 2 ways out of the instance, one with DMF and one with growth elexir, right? So I know I'm talking about the right video.)
EDIT: Looks like I can watch it while streaming it from your thread but not when I'm linked too it.
Last edited by Elektropop; 08-07-2012 at 10:51 AM.
Yeah it must be copyright related since the majority of my vids violate it to some extent. Though most of the music I've used so far isn't very poppy, and at least half of the songs used are kinda older to.