Hey guys, I made a video of how to get under orgrimmar and how to get into the secret room in Orgrimmar, the memorial to the dead wow developer
Hey guys, I made a video of how to get under orgrimmar and how to get into the secret room in Orgrimmar, the memorial to the dead wow developer
I really like this because of the commentary
Don't really get many videos with it!
I also didn't know about it, exploration is something I've never really looked into. Thanks!
worked for me thanks
1: this belongs in Exploration
2: This is not ELITE
3: I and many others have only found 3 billion ways to do this
100% agree OverLord.
2 Things, Did not mean it to be in Elite if people do not feel it is Elite, Just get it moved. Also, because of my ****ing mic's buzz, when I try and noise remove it, as it covers a series of frequencies it ****s the sound of the entire video. So I really apologize about the buzzing, I did try and remove it :/
There's no reason AT ALL to be apologizing, just remember that you are the one making contributions to the website where as those putting you down are not (not saying anyone in this thread is putting anyone down, etc.)!
I thank you very much for contributing, this thread has been moved to Exploration.
nice contrib... thanks +rep