:O I was just about to post this ! Darn! But, nice find.
emag eht tsol tsuj evah uoY
me2 :P i found this thing the first day TBC came out ^^
So did I... I know Blizzard sucks terribly about nerfing terrain glitches and stuff, but this is a little too less. C'mon Blizzard, this wasn't even a challenge. >_>Originally Posted by Elt-
yeah i know stuff from patch 1.7 that hasnt been nerfed yet lol
IF airport still hasnt been patched either^^ though they are adding to it, on the test servers theres some guards in that building which you cant get into, with the back to front step typething
Death is the only way out.....
they nerfed the hyal-way ... ok lets say blizzard think they did :P
I am Error.