I recently bought the Spectral Wind Rider mount for my Horde character in Orgrimmar from the trading post. The purchase went smoothly with 650 Trader's Tenders deducted. Subsequently, during the same session and without any UI changes, I attempted to purchase the Spectral Gryphon. However, it took around 30 seconds to process, and I received a server connection error. After reopening the vendor UI, it claimed I already owned the Gryphon, but no Tenders were deducted. When I switched to my alliance character and checked the mount journal, I found the alliance mount there. It's unclear whether this is intentional, but it seems odd because both mounts are available for purchase. If you haven't acquired the Spectral mount yet, you might want to try purchasing the Gryphon first on a Horde character or vice versa to see if you receive one or both mounts for free.