( Unfortunately my Screenshots go TGA and imageshack doesnt upload that, so no pictures)Hokay, Im pretty sure Fake STV Has been posted, but im also positive that my discovery which I have named "The Netherlands" Has NOT, This is what you do....
Get into a Raid group ( Doesnt have to be real ZG Raid, just a group you convert. ) and go into Zul Gurub.
Once inside the instance jump off to your right to a small corner with the mountain wall+gate colliding, while facing the corner, Wall/Corner jump up it to the first landing, this is the easy part.
Now, Mount up and jump on the next edge, this takes a few shots and gets extremely frustrating. After getting up to the TOP of the gate.
Heal up and Jump off to the outside of ZG. Go straight down the path leading out of zul gurub and take a left, keep going west until you are south of the ogre compound, climb up the edge of the world ( invisi wall, ) to the mountains and run north up to this mini troll village ( onto wall ). Follow the wall until you see the first tree, at that point take a right and get on the mountain edge right next to the tree, this is another hard part: Jump from the ledge above the tree, you will be caught inbetween mountain and a invisi wall above the tree.
Then you are on the mountain and can climb up into unfinished texture area that will go all the way to blasted lands, then west to what seems to be Deadwind Pass, ( BUT ITS NOT! ) It is a whole ton of rocks pointing out, and it even has paths if you go to the west of it without falling, and has the same texture as deadwind, I myself thought I was getting into karahzan but I found a small path that leads up to a mountain with nothing on it, I figured that was karahzan but just not there....... this is where it gets strange.
If you go to Grom'Gol, and swim underwater, you will see the exact same place, except with water, even the paths leading from cliff to cliff. This is all I can find so far, I was gonna test with Mountain Climber but now theres that patch that will auto suspend me.
If any brave adventurer who isnt afraid to hack with new warden mod is out there, please be my guest. Anyway this is a pretty fun place to explore and was one of my first major discoveries, Good luck!
*Edit* I also would like to say that I did not discover this on my VERY own, me and my friend (Drome+Naota) discovered it together. And lvlr, get a life.