I found the .exe that u get that you get when you buy the dupe from wow-dupe.com , http://www.badongo.com/file/440594 some people say it works, others just say its a total scam, but here is the file, free to download / try.
I found the .exe that u get that you get when you buy the dupe from wow-dupe.com , http://www.badongo.com/file/440594 some people say it works, others just say its a total scam, but here is the file, free to download / try.
I'll wait for clearance on this one..
No offense.
the file hasn't changed since the last time they tried to sell it.. zip file last modified 1/24/2006
this seems fishy... meaby a virus... ill try to probe it lol
im not trusting of dupe files ive had many many trojens and keyloggers
i scanned it already.. http://virusscan.jotti.org
Plus the file hasn't been modified since.. 1/24/06.. its not a new breed of the same virus.. so its the same not working dupe picture of text... dont waste your money..
Ye its work! have right duped a Krol blade.!
lol generate lagg with !xspeed.net than try ^^, i got it up to 274222347ms once
im sry for askn but wat does this 'dupe' do?
my alliance twink...realm: rexxar...characters name..Xarthas
It dup(e)licates items. Similar to the public servers on diablo 2.
Did you really, now I am curious. I downloaded it and ran it and it looked like a quick scam.Originally Posted by HunterHero
This still doesnt work.