these 2 are spamable macros for healing
Warning: You might have to disable ALL your addons
UPDATE: added death/ghost check!
you use 2 macros, 1 for tank (focus target) healing and one for raidhealing the macros will keep Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Swiftmend, Wild Growth and Nourish on your target and Innervate will be used!
You have to make 6 Macros witch exact the same macro names I use!
To use these macros you have to use the following macro everytime you reload your UI or if you relog!
/dump loadstring("DevTools_DumpCommand = (function(msg) loadstring(msg)() end)")()
--- DHFOCUS --- you have to create a macro witch the name DHFOCUS
/dump TargetUnit("focus") RunMacro("H")
--- DHRAID --- (note: this is for 25 players, but you can change the "25" in the macro to "10" etc...)
/dump m=0;w=0;t="raid";for n="1","25" do a=UnitHealthMax(t..n)-UnitHealth(t..n);if a>m and UnitInRange(t..n)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(t..n)~=1 then m=a w=n end end;TargetUnit(t..w);RunMacro("DH2")
--- DH2 ---
/dump _,d,_=GetSpellCooldown("Wild Growth"); if d==0 then CastSpellByName("Wild Growth") else RunMacro("H") end
---DH1 ---
/dump CastSpellByName("Lifebloom")
---H ---
/dump p="player";_,d,_=GetSpellCooldown("Innervate");_,_,_,_,_,_,_,s,_=UnitBuff("target","Rejuvenation");if UnitPower(p)<8000 and d==0 then TargetUnit(p) CastSpellByName("Innervate") elseif s~=p then CastSpellByName("Rejuvenation") else RunMacro("J") end
/dump local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,o,_=UnitBuff("target","Regrowth");if o~="player" then CastSpellByName("Regrowth") else CastSpellByName("Nourish") end
/dump _,_,_,c,_,_,_,_,_=UnitBuff("target","Lifebloom"); _,e,_ = GetSpellCooldown("Swiftmend");if ((UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target"))>=10000 and e==0) then CastSpellByName("Swiftmend") elseif c~=3 then RunMacro("DH1") else RunMacro("DH3") end
you will cast swiftmend if your target has lost more than 10k HP (you can change the "10000" in "J" and you will cast Innervate if you have less than 8000 mana (change the "8000" in "H")
UPDATE: added death/ghost check!
--- PHFOCUS --- you have to create a macro witch the name PHFOCUS
/tar focus
/dump c=CastSpellByName;_,_,_,_,_,_,_,b,_=UnitBuff("target","Beacon of Light");if b~="player" then c("Beacon of Light") end;_,_,_,_,_,_,_,s,_=UnitBuff("target","Sacred Shield");if s~="player" then c("Sacred Shield") end; RunMacro("H1")
--- PHRAID --- (note: this is for 25 players, but you can change the "25" in the macro to "10" etc...)
/dump m=0;w=0;t="raid";for n="1","25" do a=UnitHealthMax(t..n)-UnitHealth(t..n);if a>m and UnitInRange(t..n)==1 and UnitIsDeadOrGhost(t..n)~=1 then m=a w=n end end;TargetUnit(t..w) RunMacro("H1")
---H1 ---
/dump _,d,_=GetSpellCooldown("Holy Shock");c=CastSpellByName;a=UnitHealthMax("target")-UnitHealth("target");if a>7000 and d==0 then c("Holy Shock") else c("Flash of Light") end
what you do:
1. create all macros with the EXACT names!
2. use the following once per UI reload (or Login)
/dump loadstring("DevTools_DumpCommand = (function(msg) loadstring(msg)() end)")()
3. put "DHFOCUS" and "DHRAID" in your actionbar
4. /focus your maintank oder main healing target!
5. use "DHFOCUS" to heal your focustarget and "DHRAID" to heal the raid! (spammable!)
6. have fun
Originally Posted by
Anyone who wishes to abuse protected functions with a /dump exploit in macros should first ensure that their macros are not being stored on Blizzard's servers. To do so, use the following command:
/console synchronizeMacros 0
This only needs to be done once per account per computer/WoW installation.
please post any suggestions/bug reports/errors/etc. in this threat, I'll try to add 2-button healing macros for other classes!
(sry for gramar/spelling -.-)