I've known of this for a while, ever sence i first tryed the IF AH trick, but i saw there was a "cheat" on PimpMyGuide named "hearth with stone in bank" or something, so i decided to post it here
You can keep you hearth in your bank, if you dont have much inventory space, and when you need to hearth use 1 of these 2 methods:
1. If you are in an instance, promote someone else in your party to leader, then leave group. you should get a message saying "1 minute till you are brought back to [homecity]" wait out the minute, and you hearth without you hearth stone with you also, you can use this method to hearth when you hearthstone is on cooldown!
2. If you are anywhere in the world, and you need to hearth, but your hearth is left in your bank, just use the "auto-unstuck" feature, and as long as you didnt delete youre hearth and its not on Cooldown it should hearth you!
So how many times did i say "hearth" in their >.< lol