I'm sure all of you have heard of stealth farming chests. But since the range nerf on magic candles and engineering weps, you weren't able to do it. But there is still a way!
What you need:
1.70 druid
2.Exalted with SSO
3.Must have The Acumen necklace from exalted rep
You do farm the chests pretty much the same way as other exploits have explained. You stealth to a ledge or somewhere really high up (nice example of one in Coilfang) and while targeting the mob you want to force to run up to your position away from the chest you want, you start spamming rank 1 hots on yourself. Eventually (might take a minute) the necklace will proc and hit the mob for 300+ arcane dmg. The trinket has no max range too! Think of other possibilities!