Alright, this is simple in theory and i;ve tested it myself. Get someone to invite you to a group, and make it a raid. Log off VIA \N! this is a vital part of the exploit. Go on your alt character,have said friend invite him. \n again and get onyour main. Have your main made leader, and drop the other guy from group, so you are now raiding with your alt and main in a group. Go to gnomeregan or rfk or wherever, as long as its a place you can solo bosses down in under 25 seconds. ( Works great on my mage)
Make sure to have both characters in the instance. Get the main up to a boss, and as fast as possible, do the following
1. type \n
2. Log on your alt.
3. \n again.
4. Change the loot scheme to Master loot, and kill the boss in under 25-30 seconds, as long as your alt is read as logged in.
5. Master loot him the new item.
6. Log on your alt and you will now have the item without ever having used anyone else, except for inviting you, which won't likely be charged for.
EDIT: Being fixed next patch, \n no longer works on the test server so this isn't going to be very feasible next patch.