== How to get in The Black Temple ==
I were bored in WoW a bit, and tought "why don't I go gank someone popping
up from the ground?" and a while later (after trying to find someone in Nagrand
but no one was there ) I tought about getting myself inside the Black Temple
using the underground trick! So I did, frapsed it all and since I wanted to make
something using Premiere (movie making program) I decided to post this. Requirements to do this: (no flying mount/form? soz, go grind one first!)
++ 1) Flying mount (for druid, flying form).
++ 2) Auto-Unstuck not on cooldown.
How to "Auto-Unstuck": (needed at step F)
++ 1) "?" button on the menu.
++ 2) "Open Ticket" button on the petition dialog.
++ 3) "Stuck" on the menu dialog.
++ 4) "Auto-Unstuck" (10 second cast spell).
A) First you need to go to Shattrath. To be more precise:
B) Fly up on your mount, look at the mountain. You should find a hole where
the city wall and the mountain meet. Just look around on the top of the gates.
C) Fly trough it, and fly downwards, and start flying to Shadowmoon Valley under the ground.
++ C1) Do NOT fly to close to the surface.
++ C2) Do NOT fly near lakes and waters, just in case so you don't start to swim and dismount.
D) When you get to The Black Temple, go right at the entrance (big doors).
E) When you hit the invisible wall underground, and you find yourself already passed trough the big door on the surface, fly up.
F) Walk until you hit the invisible walls, and Auto-Unstuck there.
G) You are now behind all walls, and free to move inside the temple!
== Video ==
Encoded for: Windows Media Player 10
Format: 945x720
Duration: 2min 57sec
Bit Rate: 8285kbps
Audio: 24bit @ 96 kHz (stereo)
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