I was levelling my pally the other day, and i decided to go get some AB boots, cos i was bored as hell of grinding.
I was pretty much there just to get the marks, coz the honor was easy to get.
Now as i was just jumping around and just bashing a few people, i killed this priest.
So i go to myself, why the heck did that person just die so easy, so i right click them and inspect without even realising wat i had done, and voilla there is their character info and talents etc.
The way this exploit works, is that when a HOLY priest dies, if they have the talent in the Spirit of Redemption ability, they become un-attackable and neutral to all. This means that blizzard interprets the ability to inspect them as if they were in a sanctuary (Shattrath).
Now this has very limited potential at higher levels, in fact at all, seeing as most priests go disc for arena, and who the hell heals in bg's ever.
But for the rare chance that a HOLY priest is against you in arena, or in a bg, u can have a quick glance to see what their gear is.