Over the last week I've made over 300g using this strat but for the most part it depends on the overall economy of your server. It also relies heavily on the total laziness of most people to do their research. I primarily used the Ace of Warlords as my source of income but there are quite a few other items that will work for this strat. On my server the average price for the Ace is 8g on the Alliance AH. But if you take the item and put it on Gadgetzan AH you can get a much higher than normal rate since the overall pool for that AH is much smaller and it seems that the item is even more rare. I've sold 9 Aces now for around 35-45g each. I actually have 3 characters there at the AH. I will put 2 Aces up for around 70g buyout and the 3rd up for 35g with no buyout. I normally have a bid within the first 30 minutes and I have yet to go without selling it. The main reason that this works so well is that most people won't even bothering to research the price, they simply see a deal with the one item being almost half the price of the other 2.