[Regular] - Conan-WoW Private Server|Instant 80|PvP/PvE Funserver|ItemTeleporter/And menu


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    Skreem's Avatar Sergeant
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    [Regular] - Conan-WoW Private Server|Instant 80|PvP/PvE Funserver|ItemTeleporter/And

    REALMLIST: set realmlist logon.conan-wow.com


    XtremeTop100.com - Gaming top 100 list


    After a long development time Conan-WoW is finally open.Thanks to, QQROFL, and Skreem.

    But your parents won't let you?
    WELL COME TO Conan Vegas!

    We have slot machines, Npc gamblers, Hotels with slot machines in them! Awesome prizes, Cheating Gambler room! Bank vendors to keep your stocks, We have Quests that will take a certain amount of money from you, so you can get a gamble token to gamble!

    We have leveled Gambling like:

    1-40 tokens
    20-100 tokens
    40- 100 tokens
    and more!

    1-40 Gold <------- Maybe
    20-100 Gold <---- Maybe
    40- 100 Gold <--- Maybe
    and more!

    We will also make a club that everyone can hang out at!

    There will be event gamblers also!
    Everything will be trade-able, so you can make money! A lot of content, so you can enjoy around you "Without" being bored!

    Trust me you will not be disappointed. Can't wait!

    There will also be Custom Conan Vegas Portable Bankers, so you don't lose your count of what you lost or won!

    This is going to be a big project and It will take awhile. Just enjoy conan-wow private server and have fun!

    Conan Vegas Demo Slot Machines!

    Yes! The demo slot machines are in! Just for fun! Go go and gamble!


    Welcome Our New Race! The Tuskarr

    -All you can see on the armor is just the shoulders, we will fix that.
    - You can even change their hair style, how cool is that?


    We feature:

    99.9% Uptime!
    Dedicated Host!
    Unlimited Bandwidth!
    And More:

    Naxxramas has been changed to a 5 MAN INSTANCE!
    Item Teleporters/Morpher/Buffer
    People will start out with Naxxramas and Emblems of heroism and Valor Gear
    To get better and Custom gear we modified the instances.
    The Bosses will drop custom 80 gear in Naxxramas
    Normal instances around every part of northrend have custom 80 gear also
    The bosses HP has been lowered to fit peoples size of groups
    The PvP is custom
    PvP - Spent honor to get Custom PvP gear
    Custom Lich King(drops Legendary weapon)
    Custom Quests lines
    Naxxramas Quarters... Not interesting for your class if something does not drop? Will now it's interesting on conan-wow!

    The armor above will get a specific Quarter to It self. On that quarter only that armor will drop.

    The Armor Quarter Drops
    The Arachnid Quarter - Mail, Leather and Cloth
    The Construct Quarter - Cloaks(Cloth), Cloth, Leather
    The Military Quarter - Plate
    The Plague Quarter - Leather, Mail.

    Left 4 dead instance
    alot of zombies. If boomer sparys vomit on you, I am going to script it, so when he does it will attract the zombies and they will come until boomer is dead!

    Updated! What is Conan-WoW About? Check here:
    Conan-WoW is a PvP/PvE funserver, we have events Item teleporters, Custom Gear, Donation gear, VIP Status, Npc teleporter, Custom Title Npc (Gives you Titles), Custom Money system, and more. Our custom content will be enjoyable to/for everyone, like:

    Isle of the Dread,

    Project Conan, (Soon to come)

    Class Bosses,

    Custom Naxxramas,

    Conan badge of legend and Badge of the Dread farming,

    Our Obstacle courses (You get a reward at the end of all the courses.),

    Left 4 Dead instance (Beware),

    We have tons of custom made quests also,

    Scripted mobs. (Everything is scripted.),

    Gnome Land instance,

    Grukah's Lair,

    Gotmilkman's Lair,


    Vote and you will be rewarded!
    We have more coming soon also. You bring us players we bring you content. We have awesome staff members also. We will help you asap no back talking will be necessary. So come and play! If you have more questions, please post on our forums: Conan-WOW - Powered by vBulletin.

    Yes! We have new instances! New content! More coming soon!

    Battlegrounds Working!
    class bosses!
    Class bosses for
    Death Knight

    We have made a whole new system up: The system is at Isle of the Dread we have tons of new stuff there Bosses/Custom Mob Npc's ----> And the bosses and Mobs will drop Badge of the Dread, now for those of you wondering what can you do with the badges. Well you can purchase very nice custom items PvE/PvP items that is some of the PvP armor will cost tokens and Honor. The PvE rewards will cost Emblems and the Badge of the Dread.

    We added a farming spot, so you can get money to purchase like Profession reagents and Values.

    Players will start with T6 as soon as they log in! Death Knight(s) will start with gear from BT/Hyjal Summit.

    NEW! Gurubashi Arena Theme!

    Forest Theme:

    Marsh Theme:

    Ocean Theme:

    Horde Theme:

    Like it? Spawn it! Do it! and love it!

    Only on Conan-WoW!

    Website links:
    Conan-WoW Forums

    We also have a NPC Title system and a PvP Money system! Information below:

    New title npc has been added! It goes by "Lifetime" kills like retail =
    You don't have the lifetime kills = you don't get a title.

    New PvP System has been added also!

    Info: Horde and a alliance are fighting the alliance kills the horde
    the horde that died will lose 50 silver while the alliance who killed him gains 5 gold.
    This will be on the battle realm also.




    XtremeTop100.com - Gaming top 100 list

    This server gets very close to dvwow! Enjoy

    REALMLIST: set realmlist logon.conan-wow.com


    [Regular] - Conan-WoW Private Server|Instant 80|PvP/PvE Funserver|ItemTeleporter/And

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