Fault in Complex Memory Allocation and Segmentation menu

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  1. #1
    YreiauW's Avatar Active Member
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    Fault in Complex Memory Allocation and Segmentation

    I'm working on a C program that includes sophisticated memory allocation and dynamic data structures, and I'm getting a segmentation error that's been bothering me for a long, so I read this article but couldn't go very far. Can someone assist me? Here's a condensed version of my code:
    #include  <stdio.h>
    #include  <stdlib.h>
    struct Node {
        int data;
        struct Node* next;
    struct LinkedList {
        struct Node* head;
    void initializeLinkedList(struct LinkedList* list) {
        list->head = NULL;
    void insertNode(struct LinkedList* list, int value) {
        struct Node* newNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
        newNode->data = value;
        newNode->next = list->head;
        list->head = newNode;
    void displayList(struct LinkedList* list) {
        struct Node* current = list->head;
        while (current != NULL) {
            printf("%d -> ", current->data);
            current = current->next;
    int main() {
        struct LinkedList myList;
        insertNode(&myList, 10);
        insertNode(&myList, 20);
        insertNode(&myList, 30);
        return 0;
    When I execute the program, I get a segmentation fault. The code is meant to generate a linked list and show its contents, but something is obviously incorrect. I assume it has something to do with memory allocation, but I'm having problems identifying the problem. Can you assist me in identifying the issue and suggesting a solution?

    Fault in Complex Memory Allocation and Segmentation
  2. #2
    Razzue's Avatar Contributor Avid Ailurophile

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    Originally Posted by YreiauW View Post
    I'm working on a C program that includes sophisticated memory allocation and dynamic data structures, and I'm getting a segmentation error that's been bothering me for a long, so I read this article but couldn't go very far. Can someone assist me? Here's a condensed version of my code:
    #include  <stdio.h>
    #include  <stdlib.h>
    struct Node {
        int data;
        struct Node* next;
    struct LinkedList {
        struct Node* head;
    void initializeLinkedList(struct LinkedList* list) {
        list->head = NULL;
    void insertNode(struct LinkedList* list, int value) {
        struct Node* newNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
        newNode->data = value;
        newNode->next = list->head;
        list->head = newNode;
    void displayList(struct LinkedList* list) {
        struct Node* current = list->head;
        while (current != NULL) {
            printf("%d -> ", current->data);
            current = current->next;
    int main() {
        struct LinkedList myList;
        insertNode(&myList, 10);
        insertNode(&myList, 20);
        insertNode(&myList, 30);
        return 0;
    When I execute the program, I get a segmentation fault. The code is meant to generate a linked list and show its contents, but something is obviously incorrect. I assume it has something to do with memory allocation, but I'm having problems identifying the problem. Can you assist me in identifying the issue and suggesting a solution?
    I'm not super familiar with cpp, but is it possible malloc is failing in 'insertNode' and causing that issue? 🤔 or the linked list isn't initialized properly?
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  3. #3
    Hazzbazzy's Avatar wannabe hackerlol Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by Razzue View Post
    I'm not super familiar with cpp, but is it possible malloc is failing in 'insertNode' and causing that issue? 🤔 or the linked list isn't initialized properly?
    I'm not personally able to replicate the error. As Razzue says there is no error handling for the malloc return pointer, but it could also be a subroutine within malloc that is failing or it could be referencing corrupt memory; are you able to provide more details on the error?
    "HOLY TIME MACHINE BATMAN! it's 1973!"

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