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    What is the best emulator?

    Okay I am in search of an emulator which I want to use in my project, I have tested a bunch but there are so many repacks and types of emulators its hard to test them all.

    So I want you to rate your favorite emulator, I will give you an example at the end of the post what I am looking for in a good emulator, and if you want post an emulator that I and everyone should stay away from.

    The best emulator I have used is ArcEmu for WoW 2.4.3 and almost everything worked. Stats on items registered properly, and most every spell I had worked. Its really blizz-like but some things just really are not there, the elevators in UC are not timed with the doors so that gets you killed, and some of the trainers dont teach in the right order or are lacking rank 1 spells preventing u from getting that spell. I think these issues can be fixed no problem though.
    It is really a good emulator, I am just looking for one that is WOTLK. But if I never find a good one, then I will probably end up using ArcEmu for 2.4.3

    ArcEmu 2.4.3 (rated on what works properly)
    Instances 10/10
    Professions 2/10
    Talents 9/10
    Spells 8/10
    Trainers/Vendors 8/10
    Game mechanics 8/10
    Battlegrounds ?/10 (i never tested it)
    Wintersgrasp ?/10 (was pre wotlk so its not there, but please do tell if you have a server with a working Wg, I could use the code!
    Items 9/10 (some stats were different from real 2.4.3)
    feel free to add more ways you rated your emulators, but try to focus on these key elements, also post the best wotlk emu you have used.

    The emulator you should definitely stay away from is Heroes of Northrend which is an arcemu repack, it is unstable and has so many hard to fix flaws that it is like trying to save a fat kid with an anchor around his foot from drowning... it is basically ArcEmu 2.4.3 for wotlk, except put game mechanics at 1/10 cause nothing works properly, breath bar glitches, game fails to save items half the time, you get randomly stuck, and pretty much every new wotlk spell does not function right.

    What is the best emulator?

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