Well.. how do i go about doing so ?
And how can i make other items require a specific amount of these items to be bought ?
I'm up for some scripting prefferably LUA
Well.. how do i go about doing so ?
And how can i make other items require a specific amount of these items to be bought ?
I'm up for some scripting prefferably LUA
Well for adding items when you kill a player is C++, cant be done in Lua as far as I am aware, but you get the individual freak Lua scripters who script things like connect 4 somehow working perfectly. To make items require a certain item you go to vendors table, find the vendor and item id, and in extended cost put the code you want for the cost. Heres a list of codes:
Code:2425 Alterac valley mark of honor 10 2424 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 5 2412-2407 unknown 2406 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 40 2405 Eye of the Storm mark of Honor 20 2402 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 10 2401 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 2400 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 40 2399 unknown 2398 unknown 2397 unknown 2393-2354 unknown appears unused 2353 Burning Blossom 350 2352 Burning Blossom 200 2351 Burning Blossom 100 2350 Burning Blossom 20 2349 Burning Blossom 5 2348 Burning Blossom 2 2347 Badge of Justicex40 2346-2334 unknown appears unused 2333 Badge of Justicex100 2332 Badge of Justicex45 2331 Badge of Justicex105 2330 Badge of Justicex125 2329 Badge of Justicex150 2328 unknown 2327 unknown 2326-2292 unknown 2291 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 2290 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 2289 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 40 2288-2282 unknown appears unused 2281 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 2280 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 2279 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 2278 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 2277 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 2276-2273 unknown 2272 Apexis Shard 50 2271 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 40 2270 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 40 2269 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 2268 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 2267 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 2266 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 2265 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 2264 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 2263 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 2262 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 2261 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 2260 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 2259 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 2258 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 2257 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 40 2256 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 40 2255 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 20 2254 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 20 2253 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 10 2252 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 10 2251 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 2250 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 40 2249 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 40 2248 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 10 2242 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 20 2241 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 10 2240 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 20 2239 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 20 2238 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 20 2237 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 40 2236 Halaa Research Token 4 2060 Badge of Justice 35 2059 Badge of Justice 60 2049 Badge of Justice 75 2028 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 10 1994 Glowcap 10 1992 Spirit Shard 2 1985 Apexis Crystal 3 1981 Apexis Crystal 4 1979 Apexis Shard 160 1973 Apexis Shard 40 1963 Coilfang Armaments 1 1959 Mark of the Illidari 1 1958 Apexis Shard 10 1952 Apexis Crystal 1 1950 Apexis Crystal 4 1949 Apexis Shard 2 1948 Apexis Shard 3 1935 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 1923 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 40 1911 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 40 1910 Apexis Shard 35 1909 Badge of Justice 10 1765 Halaa Research Token 2 1758-1664 unknown 1653 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 2 1652 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 2 1649 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 2 1648 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 2 1647 Halaa Battle Token 70 1646 Halaa Battle Token 100 1645 unknown 1642 Badge of Justice 15 1565 unknown 1564 unknown 1524 Pauldrons of the Forgotten Vanquisher 1523 Leggings of the Forgotten Vanquisher 1522 Chestguard of the Forgotten Vanquisher 1521 Helm of the Forgotten Vanquisher 1520 Gloves of the Forgotten Vanquisher 1497 Pauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror 1494 Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror 1491 Chestguard of the Forgotten Conqueror 1488 Helm of the Forgotten Conqueror 1485 Gloves of the Forgotten Conqueror 1482 Pauldrons of the Forgotten Protector 1480 Leggings of the forgotten Protector 1478 Chestguard of the forgotten Protector 1476 Helm of the Forgotten Protector 1474 Gloves of the Forgotten Protector 1468 Murloc Fin 60 1454 Badge of Justice 30 1452 Badge of Justice 20 1442 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 60 1435-1432 unknown 1361 Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero 1360 Leggings of the Vanquished Hero 1359 Chestguard of the Vanquished Hero 1358 Helm of the Vanquished Hero 1357 Gloves of the Vanquished hero 1346 Pauldrons of the Vanquished Champion 1345 Leggings of the Vanquished Champion 1344 Chestguard of the Vanquished Champion 1343 Helm of the Vanquished CHampion 1342 Gloves of the Vanquished Champion 1336 Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender 1335 Leggings of the Vaquished Defender 1334 Chestguard of the Vanquished Defender 1333 Helm of the Vanquished Defender 1332 Gloves of the Vanquished Defender 1243 Pauldrons of the Fallen Defender 1241 Leggings of the Fallen Defender 1239 Chestguard of the Fallen Defender 1237 Helm of the Fallen Defender 1235 Gloves of the Fallen Defender 1219 Pauldrons of the Fallen Hero 1218 Leggings of the Fallen Hero 1217 Chestguard of the Fallen Hero 1216 Helm of the Fallen Hero 1215 Gloves of the Fallen Hero 1212 Pauldrons of the Fallen Champion 1209 Leggings of the Fallen Champion 1206 CHestguard of the Fallen Champion 1203 Helm of the Fallen Champion 1200 Gloves of the Fallen Champion 1196 Arcane Rune 8 1192 Arcane Rune 2 1188 Holy Dust 8 1184 Holy Dust 2 1111 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 1110 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 1077 Glowcap 45 1076 Glowcap 20 1062 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 1061 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 1055 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 1054 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 1050 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 10 1040 Badge of Justice 50 1037 Badge of Justice 33 1027 Badge of Justice 41 1015 Badge of Justice 25 1009 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 60 1007 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 3 1006 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 1005 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 50 1003 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 60 1002 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 1000 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 60 990 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 989 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 986 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 10 968 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 947 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 933 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 931 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 10 930 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 929 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 40 917 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 901 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 887 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 885 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 10 884 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 883 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 40 871 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 855 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 841 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 839 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 10 838 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 837 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 40 826 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 823 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 10 822 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 20 821 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 40 774 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 10 748 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 40 747 Warsong Gulch Mark of Honor 30 746 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 40 702 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 25 701 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 30 653 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 30 652 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 634 unknown 567 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 40 565 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 542 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 30 541 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 533 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 532 Atlerac Valley Mark of Honor 10 520 Arathi Basin mark of Honor 30 501 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 40 497 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 15 496 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 10 495 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 492 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 10 491 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 20 490 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 40 489 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 25 488 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 20 465 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 464 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 463 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 460 unknown 444 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 428 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 427 Arathi Basin mark of Honor 20 423 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 388 Glowcap 30 386 unknown 360 ALterac Valley Mark of Honor 40 359 Unknown 348 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 20 298 Spirit Shard 8 293 SPirit Shard 50 205 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 204 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 30 203 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 30 202 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor 20 201 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 30 194 Spirit Shard 18 173 unused 172 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 40 171 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 40 170 unknown 169 Warsong Gultch Mark of Honor 20 165 Arathi Basin Mark of Honor 20 148 unknown 146 unknown 133 unknown 131 Alterac Valley Mark of honor 40 129 Alterac Valley Mark of honor 10 127 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 10 125 Eye of the Storm Mark of Honor 10 115 unknown 104 Glowcap 15 103 Glowcap 25 102 Glowcap 2 100 Glowcap 1 99 unknown 98 unknown 95 unknown 94 unknown 77 Mark of Honor Hold 30 76 Mark of Thrallmar 30 69 Mark of Honor Hold 15 66 unknown 65 Mark of Thrallmar 15 56 Mark of Honor Hold 10 55 Mark of Thrallmar 10 54 Mark of Thrallmar 5 53 Mark of Honor hold 5 26 unknown 24 unknown 22 unknown 21 unknown 18 Halaa Battle Token 100 7 Halaa Research Token 8 6 Halaa Battle Token 20 5 Halaa Battle Token 40 2 Unknown 1 Tough Jerky 1
Left is code, middle is name of item, right is how many.
Hope this helps and good luck!
Thanks alot for your help.
Do you know if there is some pre-made pvp-token system ?
Theres a lot of C++ scripts that give you a token on PvP kill you can search and find.
i'll get you the script and btw stoneharry in the Blua Engine(Editted Lua Engine) I made it possible to add items : )
Code:#include "StdAfx.h" #define ItemID 55555//set to item that you wish to be give #define AMOUNT 1///Amount it gives #define STACK false///set to true if you want it to stack void AddItem(Player* Plr, const uint32 &ItemID, const uint32 &Amt, const bool &Stack)//credits to aspire { Item *ItemToAdd; SlotResult Slot; if(Plr == NULL) return; if(Stack) { ItemToAdd = Plr->GetItemInterface()->FindItemLessMax(ItemID, Amt, false); if(ItemToAdd != NULL) { ItemToAdd->ModUnsigned32Value(ITEM_FIELD_STACK_COUNT, Amt); ItemToAdd->m_isDirty = true; Plr->BroadcastMessage("%s%s x%u Awarded", MSG_COLOR_GOLD, ItemToAdd->GetProto()->Name1, Amt); return; } } for(uint32 i = 1;i <= Amt;i++) { ItemToAdd = objmgr.CreateItem(ItemID, Plr); if(ItemToAdd == NULL) return; // failed creation, no memory to allocate, or invalid item id Slot = Plr->GetItemInterface()->FindFreeInventorySlot(ItemToAdd->GetProto()); if(Slot.Result) { Plr->GetItemInterface()->SafeAddItem(ItemID, Slot.ContainerSlot, Slot.Slot); Plr->BroadcastMessage("%s%s x1 Awarded", MSG_COLOR_GOLD, ItemToAdd->GetProto()->Name1); } else Plr->BroadcastMessage("No free inventory slots could be located, aborting"); } } bool ChecksPassed(Player *Attcker, Player *Vct)//credits to aspire { string Aip; string Vip; if(Attcker->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions() || Vct->GetSession()->HasGMPermissions()) return true; // gm over-ride for testing if(Attcker == Vct) return false; if(Attcker->GetSession()->GetSocket() == NULL || Vct->GetSession()->GetSocket() == NULL) return false; Aip = Attcker->GetSession()->GetSocket()->GetRemoteIP(); Vip = Vct->GetSession()->GetSocket()->GetRemoteIP(); if(Aip == "" || Vip == "" || Aip == Vip) return false; return true; } void PvpKill(Player* Attcker, Player* Vct) { if(ChecksPassed == true) { AddItem(Attcker, ItemID, AMOUNT, STACK); } }; void SetupPvPSystem(ScriptMgr *mgr) { mgr->register_hook(SERVER_HOOK_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER, (void*)PvpKill); }
Last edited by mager1794; 01-10-2009 at 01:00 PM.
Lunar Gaming - Reaching For The Stars
hey do u kno how to make a item require honour ?
this is a bit offtopic, but wasnt it easy-er before when the extended cost was on the items table?
idk why they changed it,since now we must put extended cost every time we add a new item
to a vendor.(if i need that item to cost tokens ofc)