I got tired of being a leacher and iv looked as so many guides here that heres my own with EVERYTHING a successfull server could need =) i take no credit for the repack or other guides i have links to.
download these files
navicat(for DB access)
winRAR (for zip files)(use the very first link on the page)
mysql (allows navicat to work with the server)
hamachi(optional... only if u want ur server public the ez way)
ok, now for the Repack =)
SpartanWoW repack
once you have downloaded all of that configure your mysql
i dont have pics but i can discribe it well =)
ok, it doesnt matter how u fill it out as long as you set up your username as root and your pass is whatever you want.. make sure u remember it, then hit finish
(on some comps it will exit the instilation without going to the setup, just open up ur start menue and look for the mysql config wizard)
open up navicat and make a connection with the name root and password the one u made for the mysql
double click the connection you made and then right clikc and make a new database named antrix. (later on when i ask you to execute somthing right click the database you made and hit "execute batch file" then find the file i tell you to execute)
now that thats set up... unzip your repack, right click the repack and click "extract here" it will make u a file on your desktop for the repack.
open up SpartanWOW repack
execute the spdb
wait about 30-60mins (i normaly wait a full 60 before touching it cause my comp bugs and says its done WAY before it is, if it says its executed them unsuccessfully... then u have a problem)
now, while thats executing we get to config the server =D
basicly... the only 3 places you gata check are the ascent.conf logonserver.conf and realms.conf
open them all with notepad
with the asc, there should be a worldlogon and a charecter logon
if u want hamachi, change the numbers from to ur hamachi ip.
then look over at the accounts, it should say "user = "root" password=root"
change the passes of both to the pass u made when u set up the mysql
then next to that it should ask for a name, fill in for both names "antrix"
if you scroll down some it should say "<listen host=..." fill in you hamachi ip.
down further on there are the rates.. ignore those for now
now open up your logonserver.conf
for the logondatabase info just fill in (this order)
hamachi ip
<your mysql password here>
then scroll down a bit and look for <listen host=..." (i know i wrote this twice, its in ascent and logonserver) fill in your hamachi ip there
<Client MinBuild = "6739"
MaxBuild = "9999">
find that and make sure maxbuild is set to 9999, (its just a little further down the page)
close that and open up realms now
under the <LogonServer Address = "your hamachi ip here"
then at the very bottom theres a thing that says realm1 = "put ur server name here"
then under that put ur hamachi ip, make sure you dont delete the port next to it, they should be seperated by a :
NOTE! IF YOU DONT WANT YOUR SERVER TO BE ON HAMACHI LEAVE ALL YOUR ADDRESSES!!!!!!! also, if you make it non hamachi public then only change the <listen host> ips, leave everything else
NOW! thats it for server configing
if navicat is done executing then open up the DB and there should be a bunch of tables
find the accounts table
make yourself an account with the GM tag az and flags 8
now go back to ascent 3353 and launch ascent.exe and logonserver.exe (ignore the realmserver.exe
if those launch right it should say your realm has regesterd and you can log on by swiching your relamlist to your hamachi ip or if you made it private
IF YOU HAVE ANY ISSUES XFIRE ME, my name is invaderzimislord
now... extras =D
to make your server public directly thru a modem or even connected streight to your comp... go to noip.com
creat an account
creat new host
then whatever you make the host is your new realmlist and what you fill in for the <listenhost>
if you want your server public thru a router look at the sticky guide at the top of the page... its the same thing only you must forward 4 ports to your server comp.
now extra mmowned guides that are helpfull
how to creat a site
how to creat custom ports
how to make a custom island
DB working tool for finding ids
and a noobs guide to DB editing =)
hope you liked my guide =)
1. IF you are getting a thing that roots you or kicks you off your server when u .modify speed its because of the speed hack protection in the ascent file... go to ascent and find the anti hack section and change the 1 to a 0
do the same for the fly hack and teleport hack
NOTE! this will leave your server open to hackers but better to deal with a few hackers than not being able to .mod ur speed =p
2. problems with the mysql server creation
alot of people have been asking me about the mysql. heres the 2 problems people are having
first. the instilation exits before the config comes up... to solve this go to your start menu and look for the mysql file. under that you should find a config wizzard. click that and ur ganna be fine
second. people are getting thier mysql server configs filaing to compleat.. this meens that in the final step when u launch the mysql server it wont put on one of the dots... basicly just repeat this step untill it works... nothing else to it.
3. people are having a problem with being connected to the server but cant get onto the realm.
if this is happening it indicates a problem with you config files. go thru all ur config files and make sure they are all tuned to the same IP and the mysql password is correct in all of them. then do a server restart and it should work fine =)
hope these changes help!