How is this hunter doing this much damage with a skill? It's on a server where the WPE hunter filter doesn't work.
How is this hunter doing this much damage with a skill? It's on a server where the WPE hunter filter doesn't work.
Last edited by bibbibo; 03-29-2008 at 08:51 AM.
Weapon stacking? Some new ub3er 1337 3xpl0it?
I'm pretty sure it's not weapon stacking as he used a skill and ive never seen a weapon proc off of a skill use.
Lol whats funny about this pic is blackweave's fireball.
Edit: nvm i forgot about the DoT Doh.
Last edited by acidninja; 03-29-2008 at 11:54 AM.
No dudes, this the old bug with : Hunter having a shield or a non-damage item in the main hand , when he uses Steady Shot he hits around 160 milion damage. What version does your server have? this is pretty old bug.
Hey bogdan ..if this bug is old maybe you can give me one to mess adress bogdanclaudiu91 .RO (te astept pe idul astayaho)
we have revision 4 point something. so it isnt old. its wowbeez server. but i figured it out anyway. He used the fel potion glitch with the paladin buff blessing of kings.
All wrong, this is the bug where you can have your tier 6 4 set piece stack by x19
Very old bug, can't do anymore but the people who did it got to keep it.
no....not completely wrong. I made a hunter after i found out what it was and duplicated it....thanks. its the fel regeneration bug.
Yes there are many ways to do it
fel regen bug has been fixed on wowbeez