Help Server just stays at <Logging Into game server> menu

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  1. #1
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    Help Server just stays at <Logging Into game server>

    Ok its really werid. last night people could connect. but today they cant. i tried the 2 realms thing.... i have my ports open. can anyone help me? ill post my config. and i didnet shut down my computer so i my ip dident change im confused

    # Ascent Realms Configuration File
    # Last updated at revision 446 by Burlex

    * How to use this config file: *
    * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format. *
    * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. *
    * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '. *
    * *
    * e.g. *
    * <block setting="0" someval = "1"> *
    * *
    * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start *
    * of the line, or in shell format (#). *

    # LogonServer Section
    # Address:
    # The address (no port) of the server.
    # Port:
    # The port on which the logon server listens. (*** NOT 3724 ***)
    # Name:
    # Not really relavant, but name the logon.
    # RealmCount:
    # The number of realms in the next section.

    <LogonServer Address = ""
    Port = "8093"
    Name = "Default Logon"
    RealmCount = "2">

    # Realm Section
    # Name:
    # The name of the realm.
    # Address:
    # The address (and port) of that realm.
    # Icon:
    # The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
    # Colour:
    # Realm colour in realm list display.
    # TimeZone:
    # Time zone the realm is in.
    # Population:
    # (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)

    <Realm1 Name = "bizzwow FunServer"
    Address = "My IP:8129"
    Icon = "PVP"
    Colour = "1"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">

    <Realm2 Name = "bizzwow FunServer"
    Address = ""
    Icon = "PVP"
    Colour = "1"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">

    Help Server just stays at &lt;Logging Into game server&gt;
  2. #2
    ZnyX's Avatar Banned
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    Here is your problem

    <LogonServer Address = ""
    Port = "8093"
    Name = "Default Logon"
    RealmCount = "2">

    The Default Logon needs to be changed to your logon DB

  3. #3
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    And how do i do that?

  4. #4
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    Ok is this how i do it?

    # Ascent Realms Configuration File
    # Last updated at revision 446 by Burlex
    * How to use this config file: *
    * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format. *
    * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. *
    * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '. *
    * *
    * e.g. *
    * <block setting="0" someval = "1"> *
    * *
    * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start *
    * of the line, or in shell format (#). *
    # LogonServer Section
    # Address:
    # The address (no port) of the server.
    # Port:
    # The port on which the logon server listens. (*** NOT 3724 ***)
    # Name:
    # Not really relavant, but name the logon.
    # RealmCount:
    # The number of realms in the next section.
    <LogonServer Address = ""
    Port = "8093"
    Name = "ascent"
    RealmCount = "2">
    # Realm Section
    # Name:
    # The name of the realm.
    # Address:
    # The address (and port) of that realm.
    # Icon:
    # The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
    # Colour:
    # Realm colour in realm list display.
    # TimeZone:
    # Time zone the realm is in.
    # Population:
    # (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)
    <Realm1 Name = "bizzwow FunServer"
    Address = "MY IP:8129"
    Icon = "PVP"
    Colour = "1"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">
    <Realm1 Name = "bizzwow Funserver"
    Address = "Router IP:8192"
    Icon = "PVP"
    Colour = "1"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">

  5. #5
    ZnyX's Avatar Banned
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    What repack/DB are you using? Are both the logon and world DB in the same DB in navicat? Or the any other program your using?

  6. #6
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    I am Using Chrispee Repack But Im gonnah switch cause its database is old. But know its werid. i can connect but nobody else can Ill post ALL my configs. and Just Tell me what to do.

    My Database (Accounts and World) is in 1 database called ascent

  7. #7
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    logon Server

    # Ascent Realms Configuration File
    # Last updated at revision 446 by Burlex

    * How to use this config file: *
    * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format. *
    * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. *
    * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '. *
    * *
    * e.g. *
    * <block setting="0" someval = "1"> *
    * *
    * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start *
    * of the line, or in shell format (#). *

    # LogonDatabase Section
    # These directives are the location of the `realms` and `accounts`
    # tables.
    # LogonDatabase.Host - The hostname that the database is located on
    # LogonDatabase.Username - The username used for the mysql connection
    # LogonDatabase.Password - The password used for the mysql connection
    # LogonDatabase.Name - The database name
    # LogonDatabase.Port - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
    # LogonDatabase.Type - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

    <LogonDatabase Hostname = "localhost"
    Username = "root"
    Password = "cawthorpe"
    Name = "ascent"
    Port = "3306"
    Type = "1">

    # Host Directive
    # This is the address that the realmlist will listen on.
    # To listen on all addresses, set it to
    # Default: (localhost)
    # Note: ISHost is the interserver communication listener.

    <Listen Host = ""
    ISHost = ""
    RealmListPort = "3724"
    ServerPort = "8093">

    # Server console logging level
    # This directive controls how much output the server will
    # display in it's console. Set to 0 for none.
    # 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
    # Default: 3

    <LogLevel Screen = "0"
    File = "-1">

    # Account Refresh Time
    # This controls on which time interval accounts gets
    # refreshed. (In seconds)
    # Default = 600

    <Rates AccountRefresh = "100">

    # Accepted Build Range Setup
    # These two directives set up which clients will be
    # allowed to authenticate with the realm list.
    # Set these to the same builds that the server was
    # compiled for.
    # As of the last update, version 2.1.1 was build 6739.

    <Client MinBuild = "6739"
    MaxBuild = "7799">

    # WorldServer Setup
    # This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the worldserver.
    # It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
    # not register.
    # Default: "change_me_logon"

    <LogonServer RemotePassword = "ascent">
    Ascent Config

    # Ascent Configuration File
    # Last Update: $Id: ascent.conf 2327 2007-11-14 15:24:51Z burlex $

    * How to use this config file: *
    * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format. *
    * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. *
    * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '. *
    * *
    * e.g. *
    * <block setting="0" someval = "1"> *
    * *
    * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start *
    * of the line, or in shell format (#). *

    # Database Section
    # Database.Host - The hostname that the database is located on
    # Database.Username - The username used for the mysql connection
    # Database.Password - The password used for the mysql connection
    # Database.Name - The database name
    # Database.Port - Port that MySQL listens on. Usually 3306.
    # Database.Type - Client to use. 1 = MySQL, 2 = PostgreSQL, 3 = Oracle 10g

    <WorldDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "cawthorpe" Name = "ascent" Port = "3306" Type = "1">
    <CharacterDatabase Hostname = "localhost" Username = "root" Password = "cawthorpe" Name = "ascent" Port = "3306" Type = "1">

    # Listen Config
    # Host
    # This is the address that the server will listen on.
    # To listen on all addresses, set it to
    # Default: (localhost)
    # WorldServerPort
    # This is the port that the world server listens on.
    # It has to be the same as what is specified in the
    # realms table in the LogonDatabase.
    # Default: 8129

    <Listen Host = ""
    WorldServerPort = "8129">

    # Log Level Setup
    # Console Logging Level
    # This directive controls how much output the server will
    # display in it's console. Set to 0 for none, or -1 to disable.
    # -1 = Disabled; 0 = Minimum; 1 = Error; 2 = Detail; 3 = Full/Debug
    # Default: 3
    # World server packet logging feature
    # If this directive is turned on, a file called `world.log`
    # will be created in the server's directory and all packets
    # sent and received by clients will be dumped here in bfg
    # format.
    # Default: 0

    <LogLevel Screen="0" File="-1" World="0">

    # Server Settings
    # PlayerLimit
    # This directive controls the amount of sessions that will be
    # accepted by the server before it starts to add people to
    # the server queue.
    # Default: 100
    # Motd
    # This message will be displayed by the server in the chat
    # box every time any user logs on. Colors can be used in the
    # standard WoW format.
    # Default: "No MOTD specified
    # Send Build On Join
    # This directive controls whether the server's internal revision
    # will be sent to clients upon entering the world. Use it to help
    # testers report bugs.
    # Send Stats On Join
    # This directive controls whether the server will send the online player
    # count to a cilent when it enters the world.
    # Breathing Setup
    # If the breathing code is causing problems or you want to run a fun server, you can disable
    # water checks by enabling this directive.
    # Default: 1
    # Level Cap
    # This variable controls the level that stats will be generated up to internally.
    # Beyond this level players can still see a higher level visually but their stats won't
    # increase beyond this point.
    # Default: 60
    # Expansion 1 Level Cap
    # This variable does the same thing as Level Cap above, except it applies to those who
    # have the first expansion: The Burning Crusade.
    # Default: 70
    # Seperate Channels Control
    # This directive controls whether horde and alliance chats will be seperated across channels.
    # Set to 1 for blizzlike seperated channels, or 0 to allow horde/alliance to speak to each other
    # across channels.
    # Default: 0
    # Compression Threshold
    # This directive controls the limit when update packets will be compressed using deflate.
    # For lower-bandwidth servers use a lower value at the cost of cpu time.
    # Default: 1000
    # Queue Update Rate
    # This directive controls how many milliseconds (ms) between the updates
    # that the queued players receieve telling them their position in the queue.
    # Default: 5000 (5 seconds).
    # Kick AFK Players
    # Time in milliseconds (ms) that a player will be kicked after they go afk.
    # Default: 0 (disabled)
    # Connection Timeout
    # This directive specifies the amount of seconds that the client will be disconnected
    # after if no ping packet is sent. It is advised to leave it at the default.
    # Default: 180
    # Realm Type
    # This is the realm type that will be used by the server to handle world pvp.
    # Default: 0 (pve)(RPPVE)
    # Other values: 1(pvp)(RPPVP)
    # AdjustPriority
    # Set the server to high process priority?
    # Default: 0
    # RequireAllSignatures
    # This directive controls whether the full 10 signatures will be required in order
    # to turn in a petition. Smaller servers would be better off having it turned off.
    # Default: off
    # ShowGMInWhoList
    # This directive controls whether GM's will be shown in player's who lists or not.
    # Default: on
    # MapUnloadTime
    # This directive controls whether to unload map cells after an idle period of <x> seconds.
    # Use on smaller servers or servers that are memory-limited. The server without cell unloading
    # can use over 1.2GB memory with all creatures loaded.
    # Default: 0

    <Server PlayerLimit = "100"
    Motd = "Welcome."
    SendBuildOnJoin = "1"
    SendStatsOnJoin = "1"
    EnableBreathing = "1"
    LevelCap = "70"
    Expansion1LevelCap = "70"
    SeperateChatChannels = "0"
    CompressionThreshold = "1000"
    QueueUpdateInterval = "5000"
    KickAFKPlayers = "0"
    ConnectionTimeout = "180"
    RealmType = "1"
    AdjustPriority = "0"
    RequireAllSignatures = "0"
    ShowGMInWhoList = "1"

    # Die Directive
    # If this triggers it means you didn't read your config file!
    # Just comment it or remove it when you've read this.

    # Power regeneration multiplier setup
    # These directives set up the multiplier in which regen values will be
    # multiplied by every 2 seconds.
    # Powers:
    # Power1 = Mana, Power2 = Rage, Power3 = Energy
    # Reputation:
    # Kill = Rep gained on kill, Quest = rep gained from quests
    # Honor:
    # Honor = multiplier used to calculate honor per-kill.
    # PvP:
    # PvPTimer = in ms, the timeout for pvp after turning it off. default: 5mins (300000)
    # XP:
    # The xp that a player receives from killing a creature will be multiplied
    # by this value in order to get his xp gain.
    # RestXP:
    # Value is the amount of rest XP a player will recieve per minute of rest time.
    # Drop(Color):
    # These values will be multiplied by the drop percentages of the items for creatures
    # to determine which items to drop. All default to 1.
    # To allow you better control of drops, separate multipliers have been created for items
    # of each quality group.
    # DropMoney:
    # This value will be multiplied by any gold looted and pickpocketed
    # Save:
    # Value in milliseconds (ms) that will be between player autosaves.
    # Default: 300000 (5 minutes)
    # SkillChance:
    # The chance that you have to level up a skill in melee or a profession is multiplied
    # by this value.
    # Default: 1
    # SkillRate:
    # The amount of "levels" your skill goes up each time you gain a level is multiplied
    # by this value.
    # ArenaMultiplier
    # Every week/day the arena points gained by a player will be multiplied by this value.

    <Rates Health="1"

    # GM Client Channel
    # This should be set to 'gm_sync_channel' for the My_Master addon to work.
    # Default: gm_sync_channel

    <GMClient ReqGmClient = "0" GmClientChannel = "gm_sync_channel">

    # Terrain Configuration
    # Set the path to the map_xx.bin files and whether unloading should be enabled
    # for the main world maps here. Unloading the main world maps when they go idle
    # can save a great amount of memory if the cells aren't being activated/idled
    # often. Instance/Non-main maps will not be unloaded ever.
    # Default:
    # MapPath = "maps"
    # UnloadMaps = 1

    <Terrain MapPath = "maps" UnloadMaps = "1">

    # Log Settings
    # Cheaters:
    # This directive sets up the cheater logging file, if turned on any
    # cheat / packet exploit / speedhack attempts will be logged here.
    # GMCommands:
    # These two directives set up the GM command logging fie. If turned on,
    # most gm commands will be logged for this file for abuse investigation, etc.

    <Log Cheaters="0" GMCommands="0">

    # Mail System Setup
    # These directives control the limits and behaviour of the ingame mail system.
    # All options must have Mail prefixed before them.
    # ReloadDelay
    # Controls the delay at which the database is "refreshed". Use it if you're
    # inserting mail from an external source, such as a web-based interface.
    # 0 turns it off.
    # Default: 0
    # DisablePostageCostsForGM
    # Enables/disables the postage costs for GM's. DisablePostageCosts overrides this.
    # Default: 1
    # DisablePostageCosts
    # Disables postage costs for all players.
    # Default: 0
    # DisablePostageDelayItems
    # Disables the one hour wait time when sending mail with items attached.
    # Default: 1
    # DisableMessageExpiry
    # Turns off the 30 day / 3 day after read message expiry time.
    # WARNING: A mailbox still cannot show more than 50 items at once
    # (stupid limitation in client).
    # Default: 0
    # EnableInterfactionMail
    # Removes the faction limitation for sending mail messages. Applies to all players.
    # Default: 1
    # EnableInterfactionMailForGM
    # Removes the faction limitation for sending mail messages, but only applies
    # to GM's. EnableInterfactionMail overrides this.
    # Default: 1

    <Mail ReloadDelay="0"

    # Status Dumper Config
    # These directives set up the status dumper plugin. Filename is an
    # absolute or relative path to the server binary. Interval is the
    # time that the stats will be dumped to xml.
    # Default: stats.xml / 120000 (2 minutes)

    <StatDumper FileName = "stats.xml" Interval = "120000">

    # Startup Options
    # Preloading
    # This directive controls whether the entire world will be spawned at server
    # startup or on demand. It is advised to leave it disabled unless you are a
    # developer doing testing.
    # Default: off
    # Background Loot Loading
    # This directive controls whether loot will be loaded progressively during
    # startup or in the background in a seperate thread. Turning it on will
    # result in much faster startup times.
    # Default: on
    # Multithreaded Startup
    # This controls whether the server will spawn multiple worker threads to
    # use for loading the database and starting the server. Turning it on
    # increases the speed at which it starts up for each additional cpu in your
    # computer.
    # Default: on

    <Startup Preloading = "0"
    BackgroundLootLoading = "1"
    EnableMultithreadedLoading = "1">

    # Flood Protection Setup
    # Lines
    # This is the number of "messages" or lines that it will allow before stopping messages from
    # being sent. This counter is reset every "Seconds" seconds.
    # Default: 0 (disabled)
    # Seconds
    # This is the number of seconds inbetween the Line counter being reset.
    # Default: 0 (disabled)
    # SendMessage
    # If this is enabled, a "Your message has triggered serverside flood protection. You can speak again in &#37;u seconds."
    # message will be sent upon flood triggering.
    # Default: 0

    <FloodProtection Lines = "0" Seconds = "0" SendMessage = "0">

    # LogonServer Setup
    # DisablePings
    # This directive controls whether pings will be sent to the logonserver to check
    # if the connection is still "alive". Expect problems if it is disabled.
    # Default: 0
    # RemotePassword
    # This directive controls the password used to authenticate with the logonserver.
    # It must be the same between the two configs. If it is not, your server will
    # not register.

    <LogonServer DisablePings = "0"
    RemotePassword = "ascent">

    # AntiHack Setup
    # Teleport
    # This directive controls anti-teleport hack checks will be enabled or not.
    # Default: 1
    # Speed
    # This directive controls anti-speed hack checks will be performed on player movement or not.
    # Default: 1
    # FallDamage
    # This directive controls anti-fall damage hack checks will be performed on player movement or not.
    # Default: 1
    # Flying
    # This directive controls whether flight hacks will be performed on players or not.
    # Default: 1
    # DisableOnGM
    # This directive controls hack checks will be disabled for GM's or not.
    # Default: 0

    <AntiHack Teleport="0"

    # Period Setup
    # These are the periods that the server will wait before doing periodic duties. At the moment only
    # arena point calculation and honor point calculation are used here.
    # Default:
    # Arena: weekly
    # Honor: daily
    # (blizzlike values)

    <Periods HonorUpdate="daily"

    # AscentStats Setup *** PRIVACY NOTE: READ ME CAREFULLY ***
    # These are the values that the AscentStats client uses while communicating with an AscentStats server.
    # Statistics will be sent anonymously if a server guid is not set.
    # If you do not want your ascent client communicating with AscentStats servers, disable it here.
    # No personally-identifiable information is sent in these transmissions. The actual data sent is:-
    # If you don't mind your server transmitting this information, please leave AscentStats enabled. It
    # allows our developers to understand our users needs better and in the end provide you with a better
    # product.
    # Enable
    # To disable stat transmission completely, set this to 0.
    # ServerGUID
    # This is the GUID assigned to your server by the AscentStats server. To register your server, go
    # to
    # ServerKey
    # This is the key used to secure stats sent by your server so they can't be forged. This key is
    # obtained after registering your server.
    # Default:
    # Enabled
    # Server Key "NONE"
    # Server GUID "NONE"

    <AscentStats Enable="1"

    # Channels Setup
    # These directives control some of the aspects in the channel system.
    # BannedChannels
    # If you would like to ban users from creating or joining a channel specify them here in a ';'
    # seperated list.
    # Default: ""
    # GeneralChannels
    # These are the default channels that the client joins and cannot have leaders.
    # Default: "General -;Trade -;LookingForGroup;GuildRecruitment;LocalDefense;WorldDefense;"

    <Channels BannedChannels=""
    GeneralChannels="General -;Trade -;LookingForGroup;GuildRecruitment;LocalDefense;WorldDefense;">

    # VoiceChat Setup
    # These directives control some of the aspects in the voice chat system.
    # Enabled
    # If you want to enable the voice chat system, this must be set to 1.
    # Default: "0"
    # ServerIP
    # This is the IP of the voice chat server.
    # Default: ""
    # ServerPort
    # This is the TCP port of the voice chat server.
    # Default: "3727"

    <VoiceChat Enabled="0"

    # Die Directive
    # You should know what to do here :P

    # Localization Setup
    # LocaleBindings
    # This is a list of locale names and the other locale you want to associate with them.
    # For example, to make the European client always use the french language, "enGB=frFR"
    # Must be terminated by a space.
    # Default: ""

    <Localization LocaleBindings="frFR=enGB ">



    # Ascent Realms Configuration File
    # Last updated at revision 446 by Burlex

    * How to use this config file: *
    * Config files are in a block->variable->setting format. *
    * A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that. *
    * After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '. *
    * *
    * e.g. *
    * <block setting="0" someval = "1"> *
    * *
    * Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start *
    * of the line, or in shell format (#). *

    # LogonServer Section
    # Address:
    # The address (no port) of the server.
    # Port:
    # The port on which the logon server listens. (*** NOT 3724 ***)
    # Name:
    # Not really relavant, but name the logon.
    # RealmCount:
    # The number of realms in the next section.

    <LogonServer Address = ""
    Port = "8093"
    Name = "Default Logon"
    RealmCount = "2">

    # Realm Section
    # Name:
    # The name of the realm.
    # Address:
    # The address (and port) of that realm.
    # Icon:
    # The type of realm (PVP, Normal, RPPVP, RP)
    # Colour:
    # Realm colour in realm list display.
    # TimeZone:
    # Time zone the realm is in.
    # Population:
    # (0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high)

    <Realm1 Name = "bizzwow FunServer"
    Address = "My Ip:8129"
    Icon = "PVP"
    Colour = "1"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">

    <Realm1 Name = "bizzwow Funserver"
    Address = "Router Ip:8129"
    Icon = "PVP"
    Colour = "1"
    Population = "1.0"
    TimeZone = "1">

    Ok now. when i log in. It says my bizzwow realm and Some realm I dunno why...

  8. #8
    ZnyX's Avatar Banned
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    First of all change this

    <Client MinBuild = "6739"
    MaxBuild = "7799">

    To this

    Change Default Logon to your DB.
    <Client MinBuild = "6739"
    MaxBuild = "9999"> in the logon DB.

    <LogonServer Address = ""
    Port = "8093"
    Name = "Default Logon"
    RealmCount = "2">

    And change Default Logon to your logon DB

  9. #9
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    Logon Database? I dont know what you mean. I have all My Tables and crap in ascent

  10. #10
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    K changed it to ascent but still nobody else can connect lol Im not using hamachi eather

  11. #11
    ZnyX's Avatar Banned
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    Are you behind a router? Have you forwarded the right ports in your router? Do you have a Firewall blocking ascent-world and ascent-logon?

  12. #12
    Le Froid's Avatar Contributor
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     Use [ c o d e ] tags and I may be of assistance...

  13. #13
    pennybox's Avatar Sergeant
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    Just turned my firewall off. yes i forwarded the ports. Not sure if i did em right.... ill give you a screen shot sec.

    Click To see Picture of ports.

  14. #14
    ZnyX's Avatar Banned
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    Penny, add me on msn [email protected] and we can try to fix the problem via Remote Control.

  15. #15
    latruwski's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Le Froid View Post
     Use [ c o d e ] tags and I may be of assistance...
    /agree lol, no code tags = no help

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