Name ID
Kil'jaeden 23200
Rocket Mount 23647
Baby Pheonix 23574
Fire Dancer 23523
Kaelcgos(dragon) 23487 or 23345
Kaelcgos(human) 23459 or 23350
Female Eredar 23334 or 23177 or 23162
Baby Crocodile 23506
BRUTALLUS! 22711< teh shit
Fel elfs:
Fel elf Warrior (has wings zomg?) 22642
Fel elf Caster 23162 or 23224 or 23228 or 23476 or 23747 or 23748
Fel elf Hunter 23225 or 23226 or 23473 or 23474 or 23475
Fel elf warrior 23227 or 23749
ok forgive me if these are wrong but they SHOULDENT be (their desplayIDs)
Sunwell Bow 48902
Sunwell Mace 48908 or 48892
Sunwell Staff 48935
Sunwell shield 48907 or 48906
Sunwell Axe(2h) 48899
Sunwell Daggers 48886 or 48887 or 48888
Sunwell Offhand 48895 or 48894 or 48893
These 2 polarms have the name Northrend in them.. so...
Northrend Polarm 48878 or 48877 or 48872
Items: ARMOR
Sunwell Plate Helm 488740 or 48650 or 48641
Sunwell Leather Helm 48839
Sunwell Cloth Helm 48838 or 48837 or 48711
Sunwell Plate Shoulders 48652 or 48643
i know its a kind of bad contribute but atleast its a start