Buildings are a good example. They have a displayid but I don't know where to find them. Someone made a good sql .rar of a bunch of buildings so they've got to be out there somewhere.
Buildings are a good example. They have a displayid but I don't know where to find them. Someone made a good sql .rar of a bunch of buildings so they've got to be out there somewhere.
as far as i know you need a custom .MPQ file so you can add buildings that are not already abailable in WOW with the .go select comand so i think its not posible for example to add a new Stormwind castle without customizing you .MPQ file but you can add guard towers as far as i remember
sorry i misunderstood you question i think you say adding new "custom" objects but if you only need to spawn an already existing one you can use diferent ways to find the display ID of object go into your database gameobject_names and search for the object you want and check the display ID lol
We had the same problem trying to find out how to create buildings.
if you wnt perfect buildings you need custom MPQ files... you can add them but as darune94 said there will be a lot of bugs....
i think the displayIDs can be found in mpq files... but i dunno for sure