This week I have been testing making diffrent webpages and forums on alot of diffrent places. So I decided to make a list of the best and the worst forums hosts, Website hosts and Website/Forums Creators!
In the list we will begin with Forums, Then Webpages and last Both Webpages and Forums!
New Updates:
Live Example/Links
Screenshots *Coming Soon*
Rating: 5/5
Review: One of the best forum hosters, You can modify nearly everything there. You can add a Portal(First Page),Gallery(For Fotos) and alot of other cool add-ons. There is no AD's and is 100% Free, You also get a free account on Servimg.com when you register there. I really Recomend Forummotion, They also got alot of diffrent domains to choose!
Board Software: PhpBB2 and PhpBB3
Live Demo *NEW*: Dominion
Bonus:Also alot of diffrent themes and styles to choose! Also a backup system!
Rating: 4/5
Review: A Very Good Hoster that use Invasion Boards, That is very rare to find Online hosters that host Invasion! They offer alot of Add-Ons to your forum, They also offers you to attach your own domain and "Add Short Url Redirection". It's also very easy to add styles, you can also upload your own styles and they have an easy style creator!
Board Software: Invision Board
LIVE DEMO*New*:Succy's Tryout
Bonus: Alot of good Features,Add-Ons and good Admins(Support Team)
Bad: It's to much things in the menu! There is also ad's
Rating: 4/5
Review: This is an great forum hoster, They have alot of cool Themes and styles, 3 WoW Themes/Styles and a nice and easy menu to pick more styles/themes. Their Admin Panel is easy,Nice and very clean! They have very nice Add-Ons, as example a nice "Karma System" (It's Like rep here on MMowned)! You also get a subdomain when you register, But can attach your own domain there or buy one there!
Board Software: PhpBB2
Bonus: They have alot of styles/thems and a very good admin panel. It's also ad-free!
Bad: You can't edit pictures and buttons on the forum, Only the logo!
Review: An good and easy hoster, Sign up does'nt takes long time!
There admin panel(Control Panel) isnt so Good, But they have alot of add-ons(Example: Virutal Jobs,Chat Box,"extended color rank",bank,Lottery... You can also Change logo!)
Board Software: PhpBB2
Bonus: Alot of good add-ons!
Bad: You do not get a sub-domain! There is alot of ad's... And they have along boring text in the end of the page!
The support and admins is also lame!
Review: A very good alternativ for all who want and easy forum with NO ad's.
Easy to setup and very easy and clean admin panel.
Not man Add-ons, But works great for a simple forum.
Board Software: PhpBB2
Live Demo*NEW*: Succy's Tryout :: Index
Bonus: No Ad's and alot of Templates!
Bad: Not many Add-Ons, No Sub-Domain(Only like Reliable free forum hosting by armleg.com
Review: A Pretty Good Forum host, With their own Custom Forum System. There is no "Pre-Done" Styles or Themes. You need to make them yourself! The forum do not have any "Fancy Graphics" so it dont takes long time to load! There is Ad's and only 100 KB Space, But If you pay you can get it Ad-Free and more space!
Board Software: ProBoards(Custom System)Bonus: A clean and nice forum that is easy to modify. They also have a cool "Floating News" Add-On to your Main Board.
Bad: Not alot of Add-Ons!
Rating: 5/5
LIVE DEMO*New*: http://succubus-studios.googlepages.com
Review: A good and easy webpage creator and hoster made and hosted by Google . It is really easy and very "Noob Friendly", You get pretty much space, And your own Sub-Domain. There is a few Pre Made Styles, But you can edit nearly everything yourself. It's 24/7 Uptime!
Bonus: Easy and Noob Friendly,24/7 Uptime, Good and Fast Support team that is working hard!Ad Free!
Bad: You need to add the menu yourself all the time.
Rating: 4/5
LIVE DEMO*New*: Touch of Taint | "...and you'll feel the Touch of Taint..." (A random webpage! This site does not belongs to Succy!
Review: A Classic Free Page Builder/Hoster. It's Easy to use and is also noob friendly, They have ad's but if you pay... You can get Ad-Free. There is alot of Add-Ons. They are currently hosting a "Forum beta" ,they also have galleries for you picture! There is alot of styles!
Bonus: A Good Gallery!
Bad: Ad's and you can't attach a domain!
Free Website Hosting – Angelfire free website templates to make your own free website
Rating: 2/5
Review: More like a blog, But with a good "Menu" there you can add links to for example "Account Creation". There is to many Ad's!
There is alot of bad things, Like that you get a tripple domain like this http://angelfire.com/They have a few things to choose here/Your Acc Name/The name of your site! It's Easy, But do not have any space!
Bonus: An easy site builder with an easy menu!
Bad: Alot of Ad's and boring graphics and styles!
Website and Forums
LIVE DEMO*New*: Incursio - World of Warcraft - Main page (Succy's IRL Guild :P)
Review: A great both forum and webpage creator. You can editing everything everything in HTML script but also in a "Visual HTML Editor". You can add Guestbooks, Forums, Photo Albums, Blog, Link Catalogue, Site News! There is alot of cool Themes for WoW and other MMORPGs! You can customize the design how ever you want!
This is really great, You get a free Sub-Domain but you can also buy a domain from UcoZ or also attach a domain!
System: UcoZ
Bonus: You can customize the design however you want and their Support team is great!
Free Web Hosting .BIZ
LIVE DEMO*New*: Why I have't added a Live Demo? Because you can everything you want here!
Review: I can only say... GREAT!!!! 1 FTP Account, 3 mySQL accounts and a nice application installer that makes it very easy to install SMF, Joomla, Phpbb, Blogs, You name it! 100% free with only a small add on the footer
Bad: Add on the footer and some files are disallowed!!
I have a few more forums I will tryout. I hope you enjoy this list and will get use for it. If you want me to add any site... PM me or Reply me... And I will try them out!
8/04-08 Update: Free Hosters Added!
I have now added Live Demos and will soon add more of them. I was so stupid so I forgot to save some URL's!
Remember to leave a message on the Live Demo Forums
I will soon add Screenshots and also MAYBE add sites with templates!
Update: More, More and more Sites updated with Live Demo's!
Stay Updated!