real nice job, usefull links and all
real nice job, usefull links and all
Thanks for the Feed back guys
Illidan, Im confused by your mall you made, so where are those places that I have to go and delete NPC's?(sorry I know more about server set up than playing WoW lol) And then also I get creature errors about 1/2 way through importing, I think I know how to fix it though, but I really need to know where to delete NPC's?
Wow cheers Illidan1, needed this! +rep if I could!![]()
Great thread illidan1. Thanks for putting all of these links together. Im sure it will help.
will you have my guid?
how to create a strip club with strippers
nice list it was really helpful for me Ty
Heyi would +rep here but i can't :S btw i wounder if u know any Twink Repack who is really nice
Nice work man !!!
Btw add my u know the ''a'' it's the special a that u use but can't use here :P and if u know a Twink repack tell me or a repack whit nothing in it whit only portals and a GM island whit nice Admin gear for Rogue
no portal to GM island for players
hehe thx
and one more time.. i am sry i can't +repbut if i could i would do many +rep here thx alot
Go Illidan! Wooooooooo!!!! =D Nice1 Man.
Damn ill +Rep x2 =P nice work!!
Whats the BEST fun repack u ever know of =? : )
Hey nice list of guides Illidan im new to creating servers and such finally got one up useing AC repack 7.7 after 2 weeks of using other guides i used the repack lol jsut trying to get used to adding stuff in the game npcs and items and such but ive been trying to make it public and thats getting a little complicated but i had dled a prgram to force my ports open im still dling mysql atm on labtop and using a guide to make server..but ill be using ur sites alot so Good job oon all your work u will be hearing from me again soon probGood Job +Rep+Rep