So, i have my server up etc, deleted the "" file, but it still says that i need a raid group, any way to get past it? +rep for the 1st one to solve my problem
So, i have my server up etc, deleted the "" file, but it still says that i need a raid group, any way to get past it? +rep for the 1st one to solve my problem
what emu are you using?
"In the event of an emergency, dont ask me, I crashed my server a few hundered times before I realized kicking the CPU wont make it work"
pet mod guide Maps For Blondes creating weapons Hunter set
I'm using Ascent
someone answer
I would definietly be interested in hearing about this as well.
Same Emu
I was browsing the forum and found this link. Will give it a try later.
Hope if helps.