Feel free to add to this thread, I know I havn't covered all of them. Some are missing, +rep to you if you find a missing one
Updated DAILY
Ascent: http://mmoforge.org/svn/ascent/
ArcEmu: svn - Revision 1131:
MaNGoS: https://mangos.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mangos/trunk
AspireCore: svn://svn.AspireDev.org/AspireCore
AspireDev: svn://svn.AspireDev.org/AspireDev
WhyDB: Revision 223: /
Lua++: http://mmoforge.org/svn/luaplusplus/
Moon++: http://mmoforge.org/svn/moon
Blua: Revision 369: /
Sun++: Revision 314: /Trunk
NCDB: ncdb - Revision 13: /
ACDB: MMOForge > Projects > ACDB > SVN > Browse repository
Project Silvermoon FunDB: Revision 16: /
Frozen DataBase: Revision 25: /
WoTLK Emu: Revision 16: /
Lasp: http://mmoforge.org/svn/lasp
I know this isn't a great, or massive collection, I just thought it would be usefull to some people
As I said, feel free to add anything.
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