I run a pretty large WoW Private server, Accept I have some problems with Instances Bosses that sort of thing.
I would like to know how moonscripts works, Like do you need to compile the C++ Source and then have custom Moon scripts in your Scripts folder aswell, and Do you need to Have the Ascent DLL's also for gossipscripts ect... along with the ones from moon scripts. and Do you need additional Scripts in your Scripts Folder.
I would Appreciate any sort of help as Im confused when it comes to the scripts. Its becoming a problem cause im Running a 100-400 person server.
I guess what im Trying to ask is How Should my Scripts be Ideally Setup, Im running a Fun Server if that helps. Right now I have ArcEmu Gossipscripts, Instance ect.. in my Script_bin folder, and a bunch of random scripts in my scripts folder, and Im having a lot of problems so. can someone please get me in the right Direction