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    riizu's Avatar Active Member
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    [Discussion]Whats going on with the Ascent community, what you want to happen, ect.


    Hey all, Riizu here. Well, seeing as I have yet to find a thread on this, and I thought it's quite the important topic, I figured I would make one. Before anyone goes and says this is a repost or something, I would like to just say what this thread is for.

    Discussion Topics

    1. How you feel about current issues.

    This is kinda like a venting moment here. Please do not flame anyone, this isn't meant for that. This is meant for a simple explanation of how you feel.

    2. What is YOUR favorite branch of the Ascent emulator.

    Kinda self-explanatory. Once again, no flaming. Also, give your reasons why.

    3. Where you think the community is headed.

    4. What you think should happen.

    Thats about it. If you can come up with something else for this, please PM me. Try not to post it here, as a may miss it. Also, here's my take on whats going on so far.

    Whats happened so far...

    Not to long ago, Burlex, one of the top coders for the Ascent emulator, decided to turn Ascent into closed-source, and thus Summit was born. The reasons for this are speculated, but it is figured that it is because very few people truly thanked him, and many were using what he had helped to build as a way to get at him. The counter-claim for this is that Burlex got tons of cash by way of donations from Wowscape and thus became a cash cow, and this is why only that server gets access to the newest releases.

    After the shutdown of Ascent, there wasn't much room to go. MaNGOS was still an option, but many users wanted the Ascent they knew and loved. Soon after, Open Ascent was born. Mostly moderated by Trelorn and Hasbro, this emulator branch was meant to be a continuation of the original Ascent and very community driven, with ANYONE being able to post patches/commits to the code.

    Later on, there was an arguement between Hasbro and Trelorn over donations. Trelorn believed that donations are not to be taken, as the project was community driven,and there wasn't much need for them. Hasbro on the other hand, was the original announcer of the option, and argued the other side. (iffy here, if anyone knows otherwise, and can provide proof, please let me know.) OpenAscent went into hiatus, and soon after, Trelorn quit. Later on, a post was made by Hasbro, stating that the new OpenAscent site had been made, and a link was posted. Later on, it was found out, this was the sole decision of Hasbro.

    Following this revelation, Hasbro's version of Ascent dropped the name OpenAscent, and created ArcEmu. Not to long after, Trelorn reopened OpenAscent.

    Apparently there has also been many attempts made by Trelorn offering to make peace with Hasbro. Whether or not this is the case, I am not sure on. It is known that Hasbro had agreed to one, yet turned around and did the opposite.

    Finally, this is my current take on the branches.



    Managed by Hasbro, seems to have the most updates, and was the emulator referenced in the requirements for NCDB (a popular database that has recently reopened.


    Managed by Trelorn, doesn't seem to be as many updates. Other than that I don't know much.


    Progress is very shady here, as no one except for friends of Burlex have talked to him. Occasional updates to the SVN though.

    [Discussion]Whats going on with the Ascent community, what you want to happen, ect.
  2. #2
    Succy's Avatar Banned
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    Well, I guess this thread isn't that "hot".
    But I guess I would say:
    1. I think there is alot of issues going on with many diffrent "Branches". But I guess the most well developed and the one with best community is currently ArcEmu.
    2. I must say ArcEmu!
    3. Ehh, I think the community have started being very lazy lately. I hope people start careing more about other. Like Dopefish said... Sharing is Caring
    4. Not sure.

    I hope this give you a little view of what I think :P

  3. #3
    quickx's Avatar Member
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    1. How you feel about current issues.

    Meh, could be better.....

    2. What is YOUR favorite branch of the Ascent emulator.

    Ascent, plan and simple, old website....

    3. Where you think the community is headed.

    Downward atm personally.

    4. What you think should happen.

    Ascent should just stop the drama, then all will be solved, cept taht Hasphail sucks....

  4. #4
    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    You completely forgot about the FrozenAscent branch!
    I feel sad nao.

    Out of those three however, I am hoping that ArcEmu will pick up even more speed.

  5. #5
    riizu's Avatar Active Member
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    Argh, im sorry Hellgawd. I didn't mean to miss yours, i'll add it in though. I just hadn't heard much about it besides that thread. (I may not make many threads, but I read a lot ) Give me a bit of information about it and i'll add it.

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    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Well, its a new branch of Ascent that is funserver oriented. It supports WOTLK, but is not only a primary WOTLK Emulator.
    It functions very stable on all clients ranging from 2.X to

  7. #7
    riizu's Avatar Active Member
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    Are you the leader?

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