OK I've looked through the Emulator sections, read through many guides on how to set up a private server, but most of them involve extensive *well, according to me extensive* networking.
All I am looking for is a simple server that I can run on my home comp to play on, by myself, no other players. I would prefer if it had all the NPC's, major cities, all that stuff. Possibly make some 70's or above, gear em, and maybe go kill illidan or kil'jaden. Ya know, things I'll probably never see on the official servers this year.
I found a old 'one click' server that all you had to do was run a simple app, and it would automatically set everything up (loved that by the way) but the only problem was that mobs had no AI, even attacking them they wouldn't do anything.
I know, it's probably asking for a lot, but is there a simple solution to my problem?
Any assistance would be appreciated.