Need help with .recall list overflow menu

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  1. #1
    Rawlsku-'s Avatar Member
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    Need help with .recall list overflow

    So this server that i play on, CrimsonWOW, gives players a few GM commands, f. ex. recall. Well, they have some (alot) custom ports too, so chat gets totally filled, even if i stretch it to the max. The gooood places begin with AAA or something like that (see them by a glance cos of lag), f. ex. aaagm1. well, I've tried /chatlog and all, but .r l wont show up on chatlog. Only way i could think of is spamming print screen, but it's very unrelieable...



    I come from Winland, I speak Winnish and I'm called a 'Winn'

    Need help with .recall list overflow
  2. #2
    Bapes's Avatar Banned
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    Data base under Recal table.


  3. #3
    Rawlsku-'s Avatar Member
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    uhh, i didn't get that :E

    I come from Winland, I speak Winnish and I'm called a 'Winn'

  4. #4
    jarmale6's Avatar Banned
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    7555 	2.4 	530 	13004.5 	-6910.25 	9.58423
    541 	AbyssalSands 	1 	-8109.34 	-3067.48 	39.9773
    540 	AddlesStead 	0 	-10992.6 	268.794 	28.5101
    539 	AeriePeak 	0 	327.814 	-1959.99 	198.724
    538 	AgamandMills 	0 	2803.27 	847.119 	112.841
    537 	AgmondsEnd 	0 	-7027.81 	-3330.11 	242.51
    536 	AgolWatha 	0 	339.304 	-3469.39 	119.433
    535 	AlcazIsland 	1 	-2657.63 	-4896.05 	22.3726
    733 	AldorRise 	530 	-1769.37 	5712.7 	127.538
    534 	Aldrassil 	1 	10455.7 	798.455 	1347.75
    533 	AlexstonFarmsted 	0 	-10644.8 	1681.3 	43.0338
    532 	AlgazStation 	0 	-4909.52 	-2726.76 	330.06
    677 	AllerianStronghold 	530 	-2903.58 	3980.27 	0.972477
    686 	AltarOfDamnation 	530 	-3592.43 	1856.87 	48.2406
    531 	AltarOfStormsA 	0 	-11272.8 	-2547.59 	103.02
    530 	AltarOfStormsB 	0 	-7613.13 	-761.492 	191.807
    529 	AltarOfZul 	0 	-295.384 	-3459.12 	195.005
    527 	AlteracValley 	30 	628.53 	-207.67 	40.0523
    526 	AlthersMill 	0 	-9168.66 	-2726.31 	91.0426
    638 	AmaniPass 	530 	6862.09 	-7576.34 	86.6041
    525 	Ambermill 	0 	-126.954 	815.624 	67.0224
    524 	AmethAran 	1 	5732.53 	116.359 	32.5681
    739 	ammenvale 	530 	-4192.39 	-13725.2 	71.2854
    523 	AngorFortress 	0 	-6380.77 	-3139.89 	302.111
    522 	Anvilmar 	0 	-6110.8 	388.517 	396.542
    521 	ApocryphansRest 	0 	-6894.29 	-2465.82 	248.978
    520 	ArathiBasin 	529 	1181.62 	1183.39 	-44.329
    519 	ArathiHighlands 	0 	-907.865 	-3534.24 	84.7878
    720 	Arcatraz 	530 	2872 	1555.29 	253.159
    710 	Area52 	530 	3053.18 	3679.83 	143.376
    518 	AridensCamp 	0 	-10443.6 	-2140.79 	91.7795
    712 	ArklonRuins 	530 	2763.23 	3168.18 	148.978
    517 	Ashenvale 	1 	3469.43 	847.62 	6.36476
    516 	Astranaar 	1 	2745.85 	-378.33 	109.253
    515 	Auberdine 	1 	6438.69 	485.38 	8.382
    646 	Auchindoun 	530 	-3363.13 	4893.08 	-100.395
    513 	Azshara 	1 	2717.1 	-5968.91 	107.4
    514 	AzureloadHumanTown 	0 	-11033 	-3095.22 	90.8189
    632 	AzuremystIsle 	530 	-4020.48 	-13783.3 	74.9001
    721 	AzureWatch 	530 	-4194.58 	-12553.2 	41.2315
    512 	BaelDunDigside 	1 	-1897.98 	400.675 	135.787
    511 	BaelModan 	1 	-4074.33 	-2094.19 	94.2936
    510 	BallalRuins 	0 	-11977.4 	332.254 	4.20626
    509 	BalnirFarmstead 	0 	2032.01 	-432.954 	36.4329
    508 	Balwark 	0 	1716.02 	-788.217 	57.844
    507 	BaradinBay 	0 	-2955 	-1022.21 	11.0919
    506 	Barrens 	1 	90.1003 	-1943.44 	80.4727
    505 	BarrensGnollOutpost 	1 	-4319.38 	-2110.38 	81.8662
    503 	BashalAran 	1 	6735.43 	6.71422 	43.7028
    9999 	battle 	169 	-1755.6 	1103.77 	92.0078
    502 	BeezilsZepellinsWreck 	1 	-4006.19 	-3777.83 	41.6804
    501 	BeggarsHaunt 	0 	-10359.9 	-1531.75 	92.5352
    500 	BehindTheGreymaneWall 	0 	-987.449 	1585.69 	54.4298
    497 	BlackfathomDeep 	48 	-152.984 	106.33 	-39.0953
    496 	BlackMorass 	269 	-2061.12 	6635.97 	-143.596
    499 	BlackMorassPortal 	269 	-2033.5 	7120.97 	24.5189
    498 	BlackMorassUndergroundEntrance 	269 	-2014.12 	6583.5 	-153.654
    495 	BlackphantomDeeps 	1 	4252.37 	756.974 	-22.0632
    494 	BlackrockCamp 	0 	-9713.81 	-3188.39 	59.6835
    493 	BlackrockDepths 	230 	596.432 	-188.498 	-49
    492 	BlackrockMountain 	0 	-7317.34 	-1072.33 	278.069
    547 	BlackRockMountainTop 	0 	-7468 	-1082 	901
    491 	BlackrockSpire 	229 	73.5083 	-215.044 	53.3869
    490 	BlackrockStronghold 	0 	-7728.12 	-1504.22 	133.837
    489 	BlackrokMountain 	0 	-7813.25 	-1133.33 	215.069
    730 	BlackTemple 	530 	-3609.74 	328.252 	38.3077
    684 	BlackwindLake 	530 	-3815.57 	3527.15 	282.884
    488 	BlackwingLair 	469 	-7665.55 	-1102.49 	400.679
    487 	BlackwolfRiver 	1 	1160.25 	51.3229 	2.072
    486 	BlackwoodDen 	1 	4641.19 	55.3801 	67.6307
    485 	BlackwoodLake 	0 	2515.84 	-4251.86 	77.3568
    484 	BladefistBay 	1 	1525.73 	-4968.13 	18.1397
    628 	BladesEdgeMountains 	530 	1114 	7091 	124
    692 	BladespireHold 	530 	2502.52 	6573.17 	1.11438
    703 	BladespireOutpost 	530 	2219.95 	5717.02 	273.883
    483 	BlastedLands 	0 	-11204.5 	-2730.61 	15.8972
    676 	BleedingHollowRuins 	530 	-3284.64 	6001.33 	-0.88672
    745 	bloodcurseisle 	530 	-1789.79 	-12762.5 	3.5249
    482 	BloodhoofVillage 	1 	-2326.44 	-367.682 	-7.8497
    693 	BloodmaulOutpost 	530 	1618.27 	6323.13 	1.14226
    635 	BloodmystIsle 	530 	-2721.68 	-12208.9 	10.0882
    481 	BloodsailCompound 	0 	-13274.4 	769.951 	3.45505
    480 	BloodvenomFalls 	1 	5280.03 	-713.61 	347.129
    722 	BloodWatch 	530 	-2062.06 	-11850 	50.728
    682 	BonechewerRuins 	530 	-2981.17 	3520.61 	-3.6513
    479 	BootyBay 	0 	-14406.6 	419.353 	23.3907
    719 	Botanica 	530 	3405.48 	1489.14 	183.838
    478 	BoughShadow 	1 	3141.82 	-3707.34 	122.05
    477 	BoulderfistHall 	0 	-1969.08 	-2789.04 	82.2105
    476 	BouldersideRavine 	1 	-122.391 	388.013 	95.4856
    475 	BrackenwallOrcVillage 	1 	-3129.38 	-2864.51 	35.8711
    474 	BrackwellPumpkinPatch 	0 	-9772.44 	-869.693 	40.5096
    473 	BramblebladeRavine 	1 	-3037.04 	-1050.56 	50.1447
    472 	BrewnallVillage 	0 	-5368.81 	319.498 	395.123
    471 	BrightwaterLake 	0 	2685.13 	-198.851 	32.4095
    470 	BrightwoodGrove 	0 	-10649.7 	-884.01 	51.8196
    469 	Brill 	0 	2255.5 	288.511 	35.1138
    740 	bristlelimbvillage 	530 	-4633.86 	-11615.8 	20.65
    468 	Bulwark 	0 	1636.09 	-1011.36 	77.1124
    466 	CaerDarrow 	0 	1025.59 	-2517 	60.1416
    467 	CaerDarrowTheDarkPortal 	0 	1125.31 	-2541.35 	79.3562
    465 	CampBoff 	0 	-7033.94 	-3669.89 	246.91
    464 	CampCagg 	0 	-7147.67 	-2430.87 	241.51
    463 	CampCosh 	0 	-6247.73 	-3776.6 	250.06
    462 	CampMojache 	1 	-4369.68 	242.294 	26.4133
    461 	CampNarache 	1 	-2893.04 	-240.87 	54.5445
    460 	CampTaurajo 	1 	-2372.51 	-1991.64 	121.975
    459 	Cauldron 	0 	-6892.24 	-1342.38 	240.913
    458 	CavernsOfTime 	1 	-8195.94 	-4500.13 	9.60819
    457 	CenarionEnclave 	1 	10118.4 	2538.5 	1322.52
    626 	CenarionHold 	1 	-6824.15 	821.273 	50.6675
    660 	CenarionRefuge 	530 	-214.722 	5493.04 	22.7705
    680 	CenarionThicket 	530 	-1841.36 	4694.72 	10.0581
    456 	ChampionHall 	449 	-0.199573 	-1.59112 	0.744116
    455 	CharredVale 	1 	821.99 	1599.07 	-20.1896
    454 	ChillwindPoint 	0 	322.373 	-1487.85 	44.7201
    695 	CircleOfBlood 	530 	2840.38 	5929.42 	12.0902
    453 	CircleOfEastBinding 	0 	-842.604 	-3270.04 	79.3588
    450 	CircleOfInnerBinding 	0 	-1529.75 	-2166.7 	18.3717
    452 	CircleOfOuterBinding 	0 	-1354.4 	-2738.07 	59.9657
    451 	CircleOfWestBinding 	0 	-863.118 	-1784.72 	40.6118
    449 	CleftOfShadow 	1 	1805.41 	-4337.11 	-10.1877
    448 	CliffspringRiver 	1 	6931.74 	-569.077 	45.8192
    663 	CoilfangResevoir 	530 	565.641 	6940.71 	17.2277
    724 	CoilskarPoint 	530 	-2936.13 	1704.08 	67.1989
    447 	ColdHearthManor 	0 	2146.99 	658.485 	34.59
    446 	ColdridgeValley 	0 	-6229.25 	333.733 	384.206
    445 	Commons 	0 	-4920.61 	-955.967 	502.51
    444 	CorinsCrossing 	0 	2039.73 	-4511.63 	74.6218
    717 	Cosmowrench 	530 	2963.84 	1787.36 	140.121
    443 	CraftmensTerrace 	1 	10094.3 	2319.44 	1330.17
    442 	CragpoolLake 	1 	1618.33 	161.796 	134.084
    649 	CrashSite 	530 	-4114.93 	-13755 	74.5106
    441 	Crossroads 	1 	-456.263 	-2652.7 	96.615
    440 	CrownGuardTower 	0 	1868.66 	-3678.97 	156.231
    439 	CrystalLake 	0 	-9462.99 	-161.312 	61.7274
    708 	CrystalSpine 	530 	4004.3 	5026.29 	267.691
    438 	DabyriesFarmstead 	0 	-1065.89 	-2905.56 	43.0958
    437 	DaggerHills 	0 	-11275.5 	1448.2 	90.0785
    436 	Dalaran 	0 	258 	351 	42.9076
    435 	DalaranRuins 	0 	386.938 	212.299 	44.6994
    434 	DalsonsTears 	0 	1855.13 	-1569.22 	60.1825
    433 	DandredsFold 	0 	1239.12 	-286.705 	43.4764
    432 	DarkcloudPinnacle 	1 	-5096.02 	-1945.14 	89.7375
    21 	DarkenedBank 	0 	-10015.9 	-575.457 	43.7515
    431 	DarkPortal 	0 	-11853.6 	-3197.44 	-26.2186
    728 	DarkPortalOutland 	530 	-248.16 	922.349 	85.3798
    430 	Darkshire 	0 	-10559.7 	-1189.02 	29.0698
    429 	Darkshore 	1 	6207.5 	-152.833 	80.8185
    428 	DarkwhisperGorge 	1 	5018.91 	-4563.94 	852.75
    427 	Darnassus 	1 	8795.8 	969.427 	31.1955
    426 	DarrowHillsCorners 	0 	-434.575 	-587.045 	54.6605
    425 	DarrowmereLake 	0 	1234.83 	-2118.49 	51.8011
    424 	DawningIsles 	0 	982.34 	201.239 	35.9509
    20 	DeadAcre 	0 	-10776.2 	881.872 	34.9199
    423 	DeadeyeShore 	1 	918.715 	-5115.69 	3.85835
    422 	DeadField 	0 	1035.91 	1540.85 	31.525
    421 	DeadmansCrossing 	0 	-10460.6 	-1717.5 	84.5969
    420 	Deadmines 	0 	-11156.8 	1528.99 	20.4102
    661 	DeadMire 	530 	421.306 	5376.41 	20.7973
    419 	DeadwindPass 	0 	-10435.4 	-1809.28 	101
    687 	Deathforge 	530 	-3313.98 	1922.64 	167.808
    418 	Deathknell 	0 	1871.14 	1587.91 	92.2143
    647 	Deatholme 	530 	6305.41 	-6464.78 	87.0105
    378 	DecrepitFairy 	0 	675.698 	974.873 	35.8849
    417 	DeepElemMine 	0 	374.222 	1083.9 	107.509
    416 	DeeprunTram 	369 	69.2542 	10.257 	-3.29664
    415 	DeepwaterTavern 	0 	-3823.06 	-834.526 	19.2789
    414 	DemonFallCanyon 	1 	1798.75 	-3179.82 	93.0128
    413 	Den 	1 	-604.922 	-4156.99 	44.2112
    412 	DenOfFlame 	1 	-4336.82 	-3018.67 	34.1744
    411 	DesertOutpostWaterfall 	1 	10389 	-1886.06 	184.379
    410 	Desolace 	1 	-93.1614 	1691.15 	90.0649
    409 	DireforgeHill 	0 	-2833.45 	-2880.43 	33.8865
    408 	DireMaul 	429 	254.588 	-24.7395 	-1.56062
    407 	Dolanaar 	1 	9809.05 	959.188 	1316.35
    35 	DordanilBarrowDen 	1 	1775.1 	-2679.19 	112.666
    406 	DracoDar 	0 	-8222.08 	-1174.15 	143.557
    674 	DraeneiStart 	530 	-3962.06 	-13930.8 	101.589
    405 	DraenorDarkPortal 	0 	-14958.5 	12761.6 	37.0388
    404 	Drag 	1 	1860.46 	-4513.91 	24.657
    403 	DragonmawGarrison 	469 	-7621.59 	-1071.48 	409.49
    402 	DragonmawGates 	0 	-3465.16 	-3727.56 	65.5778
    34 	Dragonmurk 	1 	-4197.56 	-2873.76 	45.6771
    401 	DreadmaulHold 	0 	-10859 	-2663.38 	8.80049
    400 	DreadmaulPost 	0 	-11528.2 	-2863.73 	10.9925
    399 	DreadmaulRock 	0 	-7924.68 	-2624.44 	221.958
    398 	DreadmurkShore 	1 	-3012.72 	-4345.51 	7.83608
    397 	DreamBough 	1 	-2871.76 	1885.29 	53.6501
    33 	DrownedReef 	0 	-2200.52 	-1685.18 	-33.4569
    396 	DunAlgaz 	0 	-4088.67 	-2663.71 	36.1151
    395 	DunBaldar 	30 	654.691 	-31.7338 	49.6277
    394 	DunBaldarPass 	30 	757.831 	-489.322 	96.8441
    393 	DunemaulCompound 	1 	-8492.54 	-3022.39 	10.374
    392 	DunGarok 	0 	-1266.15 	-1198.95 	41.1765
    391 	DunModr 	0 	-2605.21 	-2341.09 	84.3551
    390 	DunMorogh 	0 	-5660.33 	755.299 	390.605
    389 	DurnholdeKeep 	0 	-489.832 	-1391.35 	54.3854
    388 	Durotar 	1 	341.42 	-4684.7 	31.9493
    387 	Duskwood 	0 	-10517 	-1158.39 	40.0542
    386 	DustfireValley 	0 	-6634.28 	-1876.38 	245.144
    19 	DustPlains 	0 	-11116.3 	585.337 	35.4177
    385 	DustwallowMarsh 	1 	-3463.26 	-4123.13 	18.1043
    383 	EasternStrand 	0 	-1234.91 	-943.205 	9.62585
    382 	EastmoonRuins 	1 	-8867.71 	-3435.86 	14.3515
    381 	EastvaleLoggingCamp 	0 	-9549 	-1407.04 	55.7673
    380 	EastwallTower 	0 	2545.24 	-4773.8 	108.254
    379 	EchoIsles 	1 	-1124.19 	-5535.02 	9.62076
    377 	ElderRise 	1 	-1056.81 	-239.942 	160.03
    376 	ElwynnForest 	0 	-9465.58 	16.8472 	66.921
    738 	emberglade 	530 	-3288.6 	-12861.2 	18.5183
    375 	EmeraldForestStatue 	169 	3105.41 	3096.78 	28.0032
    374 	EmeraldForestTrees 	169 	2732.93 	-3319.63 	102.284
    373 	EmeraldSanctuary 	1 	3989.18 	-1292.13 	252.131
    696 	Evergrove 	530 	2967.78 	5507.51 	144.632
    372 	Everlook 	1 	6721.44 	-4659.09 	721.893
    650 	Exodar 	530 	-4014.08 	-11895.8 	-0.99324
    725 	FairbreezeVillage 	530 	8738.68 	-6676.33 	70.355
    655 	FalconWatch 	530 	-606.845 	4100.63 	91.4021
    371 	FaldinsCove 	0 	-2086.88 	-2074.57 	6.72927
    370 	FalfarrenRiver 	1 	1979.07 	-1968.07 	100.103
    658 	FallenSkyRidge 	530 	31.5282 	4789.69 	60.8488
    369 	FallowSactuary 	0 	-9980.38 	-3568.28 	23.0569
    368 	FargodeepMine 	0 	-9811.76 	130.16 	7.86
    726 	FarstriderRetreat 	530 	8999.82 	-7460.91 	87.6318
    367 	FeathermoonStronghold 	1 	-4411.09 	3228.02 	13.1294
    366 	FelfireHill 	1 	1992.85 	-2989.66 	108.111
    365 	FelstoneField 	0 	1756.79 	-1200.15 	61.7352
    707 	FelstormPoint 	530 	3996.46 	5478.29 	267.988
    364 	Felwood 	1 	5483.9 	-749.881 	335.621
    363 	FenrisIsle 	0 	731.866 	727.793 	38.0975
    362 	FenrisKeep 	0 	960.45 	689.611 	60.7365
    361 	Feralas 	1 	-4458.93 	243.415 	65.6136
    360 	FeralasCoast 	1 	-4522.22 	2038.54 	51.1436
    359 	FieldOfGiants 	1 	-3120.86 	-2327.89 	94.1243
    358 	FieldOfStrife 	30 	-187.386 	-293.948 	7.66753
    357 	FirePlumeRidge 	1 	-7171.68 	-1279.85 	-183.424
    356 	FirewatchRidge 	0 	-6646.51 	-829.166 	245.161
    681 	FirewingPoint 	530 	-2346.59 	3234.98 	-2.37532
    355 	ForestSong 	1 	2943.75 	-3304.34 	155.067
    706 	ForgeCampAnger 	530 	2958.03 	4775.87 	284.504
    701 	ForgeCampTerror 	530 	1443.95 	7297.78 	375.527
    699 	ForgeCampWrath 	530 	2894.2 	7043.85 	365.254
    354 	ForgottenCoast 	1 	-4508.92 	2041.68 	52.3872
    32 	ForgottenPools 	1 	110.197 	-1891.39 	94.5444
    353 	ForlornCavern 	0 	-4637.04 	-1101.53 	502.281
    352 	ForstriderLodge 	0 	-5675.42 	-4244.87 	408.002
    351 	FrayIsland 	1 	-1679.3 	-4328.96 	3.58591
    350 	FreewindPost 	1 	-5437.4 	-2437.47 	90.3083
    349 	FrostfireHotSprings 	1 	6831.96 	-2494.93 	559.434
    348 	FrostmaneHold 	0 	-5584.21 	759.832 	385.29
    347 	FrostsaberRock 	1 	8070.18 	-3859.56 	689.782
    346 	FrostwishperGorge 	1 	5274.15 	-4712.21 	692.124
    345 	FrostWolfKeep 	30 	-1326.63 	-297.884 	91.536
    344 	FrostWolfVillage 	30 	-1201.05 	-366.444 	55.0976
    603 	FrostwyrmLair 	533 	3498.27 	-5349.45 	145.967
    343 	FungalRocks 	1 	-6401.51 	-1755.86 	-271.256
    18 	FungalVale 	0 	2448.25 	-3703.94 	180.083
    342 	FurlbrowsPumpkinPatch 	0 	-9903.53 	1245.26 	43.0563
    341 	Gadgetzan 	1 	-7154.86 	-3817.94 	9.39779
    340 	GahrronsWithering 	0 	1738.52 	-2319.93 	60.5751
    339 	GapingChasm 	1 	-9311.04 	-3945.9 	11.6628
    673 	Garadar 	530 	-1246.73 	7341.59 	35.0824
    338 	GarrensHaunt 	0 	2861.67 	398.526 	22.1504
    337 	GelkisVillage 	1 	-2222.47 	2522.4 	69.4424
    633 	Ghostlands 	530 	7880 	-6193 	22
    336 	GhostWalkerPost 	1 	-1156.34 	1894.49 	87.2854
    335 	GiantOrcStatue 	0 	-8066.68 	-1621.66 	133.982
    334 	GilijimsIsle 	0 	-13693.5 	2806.3 	57.6918
    651 	GM1 	1 	-11805.5 	-4754.13 	6.96693
    652 	GM2 	1 	-10735.8 	2463.19 	7.8301
    10000 	gmisland 	1 	16223.7 	16266.1 	14.0899
    332 	GnarlpineHold 	1 	9114.65 	1846.06 	1328.5
    331 	Gnomeregan 	0 	-5189.22 	524.796 	389.107
    330 	GnomereganTrainDepot 	0 	-4858.27 	756.435 	245.923
    329 	GoblinObeservatory 	1 	-10082.2 	-5656.43 	7.24787
    328 	GolakkaHotSprings 	1 	-7196.37 	-630.695 	-232.64
    327 	GolBolarQuarry 	0 	-5826.35 	-1586.57 	365.269
    326 	Goldshire 	0 	-9460.25 	63.0612 	56.8335
    31 	Goldshire 	0 	-9464 	62 	56
    325 	GoShekFarm 	0 	-1505.51 	-3030.52 	13.627
    324 	GreatForge 	0 	-4795.88 	-1113.26 	499.807
    323 	GreatLift 	1 	-4619.15 	-1850.91 	87.0563
    322 	GreatwoodVale 	1 	-87.9634 	-565.775 	-11.1339
    593 	GreenBelt 	0 	-3256.88 	-2718.36 	10.4121
    321 	GreenpawVillage 	1 	2265.59 	-1475.33 	91.8082
    320 	GreymaneWall 	0 	-757.376 	1527.28 	18.2465
    319 	GrimBatol 	0 	-4053.99 	-3450.62 	284.383
    318 	GrimeslitDigSite 	0 	-6986.92 	-1705.54 	242.667
    697 	Grishnath 	530 	3767.68 	6633.98 	150.742
    317 	GromGolBaseCamp 	0 	-12352.8 	211.452 	5.5846
    316 	GrommashHold 	1 	1926.92 	-4220.35 	41.9464
    315 	GroveOfTheAncients 	1 	4995.94 	82.9197 	55.3857
    639 	GruulsLair 	530 	3606.85 	5260.49 	4.1724
    314 	GunthersRetreat 	0 	2563.98 	-51.7975 	32.7441
    313 	GurubashiArena 	0 	-13152.9 	342.729 	53.1328
    672 	Halaa 	530 	-1573.54 	7958.19 	-21.4914
    312 	HallOfBlackhand 	229 	-78.5819 	-401.395 	39.9428
    311 	HallOfExplorers 	0 	-4697.59 	-1229.28 	502.659
    310 	HallOfLegends 	1 	1639.22 	-4238.83 	57.166
    309 	Hammerfall 	0 	-950.584 	-3533.13 	72.8318
    308 	HammertoesDigsite 	0 	-6411.58 	-3409.85 	242.537
    307 	Headland 	0 	15.1686 	-337.262 	131.995
    654 	HellfireCitadel 	530 	-272.412 	3101.46 	33.7108
    641 	HellfireCitadelEntrance 	530 	-305.714 	3056.96 	-1.6005
    664 	HellfirePeninsula 	530 	-247.451 	940.898 	85.3784
    306 	HelmsBedLake 	0 	-5607.39 	-1984.16 	397.373
    305 	HeroesVigil 	0 	-9136.28 	-1053.89 	71.624
    304 	HiddenGrove 	1 	7641.78 	-4935.77 	697.609
    303 	HiddenPath 	1 	-844.333 	-4217.06 	89.6684
    302 	Highperch 	1 	-5000.46 	-940.209 	-4.58816
    301 	HillsbradFields 	0 	-501.505 	91.4121 	60.0582
    300 	HillsbradFoothill 	0 	-852.854 	-576.712 	21.0293
    299 	HiveAshi 	1 	-6543.32 	800.877 	3.60826
    298 	HiveRegal 	1 	-7681.92 	795.932 	-2.05396
    297 	HiveZora 	1 	-7250.49 	1472.88 	-2.97554
    630 	HonorHold 	530 	-703 	2724 	95
    296 	HunterRise 	1 	-1403.11 	-78.5278 	159.935
    295 	Hyjal 	1 	4674.88 	-3638.37 	966.264
    755 	hyjal instances 	1 	4860.33 	-1838.39 	1144.12
    760 	hyjalcity 	1 	4569.55 	-3106.67 	997.482
    294 	HyjalCoolAncientStatue 	1 	4491.35 	-3201.77 	1027.57
    293 	HyjalPlainsUnifinishedLocation 	1 	5300.18 	-2292.83 	945.186
    292 	IcebloodGarrison 	30 	-476.417 	-196.086 	55.7934
    291 	IceflowLake 	0 	-5090.17 	71.2283 	395.33
    290 	IcewingBunker 	30 	234.481 	-395.528 	44.2359
    289 	IcewingPass 	30 	281.568 	46.1705 	20.1913
    731 	Illidan 	564 	691.882 	305.004 	278.443
    288 	IronbandsExcavationSite 	0 	-5755.53 	-3998.42 	331.436
    287 	IronbeadsTomb 	0 	-2849.21 	-2220.06 	32.3835
    286 	Ironforge 	0 	-4981.25 	-881.542 	502.66
    285 	IslandOfDoctorLapidis 	0 	-12380.3 	3400.92 	49.865
    10001 	Isle of Quel'Danas 	530 	13004.5 	-6910.25 	9.58423
    10002 	Isle of Quel'Danas 	530 	13004.5 	-6910.25 	9.58423
    10003 	Isle of Quel'Danas 	530 	13004.5 	-6910.25 	9.58423
    10004 	Isle of Quel'Danas 	530 	13004.5 	-6910.25 	9.58423
    284 	IsleOfDread 	1 	-6498.47 	3011.38 	8.43054
    283 	Jaedenar 	1 	4878.32 	-614.219 	361.391
    282 	JagueroIsle 	0 	-14740.7 	-432.482 	5.00624
    281 	JaneirosPoint 	0 	-14178.2 	712.03 	30.1868
    735 	jangolodemine 	0 	-10029.2 	1456.24 	42.7707
    280 	JasperlodeMine 	0 	-9077.34 	-552.93 	61.35
    279 	JinthaAlor 	0 	-678.757 	-4018.61 	239.351
    278 	Kalimdor 	1 	6744.98 	41.12 	48.6
    752 	karazhan 	532 	-11106.9 	-2001.8 	49.8913
    727 	KarazhanEntrance 	532 	-11106.5 	-2001.64 	50.8927
    276 	Kargath 	0 	-6657.35 	-2157.1 	265.133
    275 	KargathiaOrcOutpost 	1 	2439.16 	-3500.08 	99.5954
    274 	KargathOrcOutpost 	0 	-6675.96 	-2188.29 	247.152
    273 	Kharanos 	0 	-5582.32 	-463.982 	403
    715 	KirinVarVillage 	530 	2372.88 	2183.06 	89.4456
    272 	KodoGraveyard 	1 	-1305.19 	1837.56 	56.731
    271 	KolkarCrag 	1 	-1028.63 	-4599.8 	26.5756
    270 	KolkarVillage 	1 	-939.787 	1091.4 	94.8119
    269 	KurzensCompound 	0 	-11586.5 	-657.662 	33.9941
    268 	LakeAlAmeth 	1 	9534.08 	730.105 	1254.42
    267 	LakeEverstill 	0 	-9319 	-1937.94 	59.0698
    266 	Lakeshire 	0 	-9282.98 	-2269.64 	70.39
    265 	LakkariTarPits 	1 	-6478.21 	-1129.33 	-274.909
    685 	LegionHold 	530 	-3410.46 	2979.6 	170.897
    264 	LethlorRavine 	0 	-6935.86 	-4092.06 	286.906
    263 	LiftsToGround 	1 	-1035.63 	-24.082 	141.694
    262 	LightsHopeChapel 	0 	2278.36 	-5311.16 	88.201
    261 	LittleCrater 	0 	-12238.3 	-2475.1 	-1.82331
    30 	LochLake 	0 	-5201.86 	-3136.59 	299.761
    260 	LochModan 	0 	-4939.1 	-3423.74 	306.595
    259 	Longshore 	0 	-10513.9 	2075.23 	13.1819
    29 	LongWash 	1 	5028.14 	534.745 	8.28397
    257 	LordamereInternmentCamp 	0 	-74.6376 	201.212 	54.2755
    258 	LordamereLake 	0 	762.653 	909.072 	32.2142
    256 	LostPoint 	1 	-3922.24 	-2839.21 	45.6212
    255 	LushwaterOasis 	1 	-964.776 	-2039.74 	82.3491
    254 	MaclureVineyards 	0 	-9881.4 	88.8972 	34.3196
    253 	MaestrasPost 	1 	3229.99 	198.252 	9.06151
    252 	MageQuarter 	0 	-8979.44 	851.161 	106.584
    251 	MagicQuarter 	0 	1733.62 	103.444 	-60.857
    250 	MagramVillage 	1 	-1754.33 	967.89 	93.5626
    723 	Magtheridon 	544 	187.535 	31.6609 	68.923
    249 	MakersTerrace 	0 	-6092.32 	-3214.55 	263.727
    248 	MalakaJin 	1 	-191.661 	-301.87 	13.2698
    247 	MaldensOrchard 	0 	1414.28 	1073.22 	53.4649
    711 	ManaforgeBnaar 	530 	2904.43 	4184.06 	165.899
    714 	ManaforgeCoruu 	530 	2408.54 	2761.59 	136.384
    716 	ManaforgeDuro 	530 	2982.14 	2169.19 	167.22
    246 	MannorocCoven 	1 	-1879.28 	1745.49 	79.8892
    245 	ManorothCorpse 	0 	-13946.7 	12416.7 	99.4378
    244 	Maraudon 	349 	419.84 	11.3365 	-131.079
    243 	MardenholdeKeep 	0 	2918.72 	-1439.39 	151.782
    242 	MarrisStead 	0 	1868.96 	-3223.39 	124.065
    241 	MarshalsRefuge 	1 	-6186.57 	-1106.83 	-216.06
    240 	Marshlands 	1 	-7353.57 	-1792.67 	-265.037
    668 	MarshlightLake 	530 	544.354 	8404.31 	22.3744
    16 	MastersGlaive 	1 	4565.22 	438.446 	33.9133
    239 	Mazthoril 	1 	6155.21 	-4444.95 	660.788
    238 	MenethilBay 	0 	-3754.19 	-1087.3 	-0.71875
    237 	MenethilHarbor 	0 	-3740.29 	-755.08 	11.9643
    504 	MerchantCoast 	1 	-1719.08 	-3824.99 	13.0836
    236 	MilitartWard 	0 	-4970.65 	-1210.7 	502.829
    235 	MirageRaceway 	1 	-6202.16 	-3901.68 	-59.2858
    234 	MirkfallonLake 	1 	1570.64 	1030.23 	139.019
    233 	MirrorLake 	0 	-9405.99 	364.768 	50.6483
    232 	MirrorLakeOrchard 	0 	-9469.08 	467.583 	55.0913
    231 	MistsEdge 	1 	7742.92 	-769.867 	6.22102
    230 	MistyPineRefuge 	0 	-5353.18 	-1043.02 	395.772
    229 	MistyReedPost 	0 	-10849.6 	-4088.17 	22.7445
    228 	MistyreedStrand 	0 	-10022.2 	-4266.67 	8.26064
    227 	MistyValley 	0 	-10103.4 	-2431.61 	29.4491
    226 	MoGroshStronghold 	0 	-4871.78 	-4025.77 	314.141
    705 	MokNathalVillage 	530 	2187.43 	4763.3 	156.531
    225 	MoltenBridge 	230 	1097.99 	-466.494 	-95.0719
    224 	MoltenCore 	409 	1115.22 	-462.959 	-94.0148
    223 	Moonbrook 	0 	-11018.4 	1513.69 	44.0152
    753 	Moonglade 	1 	7999.68 	-2670.2 	512.2
    222 	MorgansPlot 	0 	-11094.2 	-1829.64 	73.9926
    221 	MorgansVigil 	0 	-8355.88 	-2752.16 	185.755
    220 	Mulgore 	1 	-1840.75 	-456.561 	-7.845
    219 	MulgoreMine 	1 	-1915.66 	-1107.44 	88.572
    218 	MurlocCamp 	0 	-9614.89 	-2613.58 	58.5311
    217 	MysticWard 	0 	-4678.19 	-968.721 	502.659
    216 	MystralLake 	1 	2058.47 	-998.369 	96.6764
    634 	Nagrand 	530 	-526 	8440 	48
    615 	Naxxramas 	533 	3005.87 	-3435.01 	294.882
    215 	NerubianPits 	1 	-7245.6 	1678.94 	-64.9066
    214 	NethergardeKeep 	0 	-11015.9 	-3326.09 	62.7594
    627 	Netherstorm 	530 	2280.68 	2520.75 	116.278
    689 	NetherwingLedge 	530 	-5015.43 	483.667 	87.9464
    213 	NightElfPortal 	1 	3155 	-3702 	122
    212 	Nighthaven 	1 	7978.95 	-2501.13 	489.986
    211 	NightSongWood 	1 	2454.38 	-2943.27 	125
    210 	NightsongWoods 	1 	2046.82 	-1874.25 	99.5036
    209 	NijelsPoint 	1 	147.011 	1231.58 	166.476
    208 	NorthanderStead 	0 	-898.266 	-1044.33 	31.3478
    207 	NorthCoast 	0 	2955.79 	99.8215 	4.32947
    206 	NorthDale 	0 	3011.49 	-4941.44 	104.586
    205 	NorthfoldManor 	0 	-797.235 	-2068.95 	34.8337
    204 	NorthGateOutpost 	0 	-5231.95 	-2366.98 	399.807
    203 	NorthpassTower 	0 	3181.78 	-4331.39 	138.689
    202 	NorthPointTower 	1 	-2855.96 	-3422.66 	37.7473
    201 	NorthridgeLumberCamp 	0 	2423.42 	-1646.44 	105.51
    629 	NorthSea 	530 	8481 	-5565 	2
    200 	Northshire 	0 	-9015.92 	-79.4411 	88.1198
    198 	NorthshireValley 	0 	-9043.76 	-41.5906 	89.3589
    199 	NorthshireVineyards 	0 	-9092.38 	-368.684 	74.6163
    197 	NorthTidesRun 	0 	873.391 	1852.5 	6.0548
    196 	NorthwatchHold 	1 	-1986.58 	-3688.25 	19.3162
    195 	NoxiousGlade 	0 	2714.32 	-5455.48 	160.145
    194 	NoxiousLair 	1 	-7779.9 	-2691.72 	10.1465
    193 	OldTown 	0 	-8722.22 	409.911 	98.8349
    192 	OlsensFarthing 	0 	134.209 	1496.64 	115.394
    191 	OnyxiasLair 	249 	29.4548 	-68.9609 	-5.98402
    190 	Opthecarium 	0 	1457.61 	382.548 	-58.2747
    189 	OracleGlade 	1 	10661.2 	1875.75 	1324.46
    188 	OrcOutpost 	0 	-8687.39 	-2330.38 	156.916
    187 	Orgrimmar 	1 	1502.71 	-4415.42 	22.5512
    746 	oshugun 	530 	-2388.93 	8137.34 	-42.685
    186 	OutlandDarkPortal 	0 	-11894.8 	-3206.52 	-13.62
    185 	OutsideHyjalCave 	1 	4817 	-1742 	1169
    184 	OverlookCliffs 	0 	-69.8514 	-4536 	18.2892
    183 	OwlWingThicket 	1 	5671.61 	-4963.66 	807.429
    729 	PathOfConquest 	530 	-4100.82 	1329 	65.6388
    181 	PillarsOfAsh 	0 	-8068.39 	-1603.97 	140.572
    180 	Plaguewood 	0 	3130.17 	-3401.76 	140.478
    179 	PoolOfTears 	0 	-10303.5 	-3972.28 	21.2882
    178 	PoolsOfArilthrien 	1 	9561.33 	1743 	1292.91
    177 	PoolsOfVision 	1 	-1003.42 	261.579 	113.153
    176 	ProgrammerIsland 	451 	16304.2 	16318.1 	70.4444
    175 	PurgationIsle 	0 	-1310.1 	567.088 	107.402
    174 	PyrewoodVillage 	0 	-416.466 	1543.87 	18.5941
    173 	QuelDanilLodge 	0 	266.941 	-2751.41 	123.544
    172 	RagefireChasm 	389 	1.7849 	-14.3685 	-16.5533
    171 	RandomBayRuins 	0 	-11712.7 	-1758.67 	23.4509
    170 	RaptorRidge 	0 	-3142.5 	-3239.81 	63.4612
    169 	Ratchet 	1 	-943.935 	-3715.49 	12.8385
    168 	RavenHill 	0 	-10741.1 	316.202 	40.8644
    167 	RavenHillCemetery 	0 	-10316.7 	342.295 	60.6454
    698 	RavensWood 	530 	3427.68 	7099.23 	155.005
    166 	RaynewoodRetreat 	1 	2563.47 	-1698.84 	155.018
    165 	RazorfenDowns 	129 	2591.99 	1101.25 	52.8593
    164 	RazorfenKraul 	1 	-4464.92 	-1666.24 	91
    163 	RazorfenKraulEntrance 	47 	1941.79 	1543.69 	82.6615
    162 	RazorHill 	1 	315.721 	-4743.4 	10.4867
    161 	RazorwindCayon 	1 	900.677 	-4634.82 	18.7876
    160 	RebelCamp 	0 	-11311.5 	-195.19 	77.3198
    159 	RedCloudMesa 	1 	-2928.26 	-46.1054 	189.892
    158 	RedridgeMountains 	0 	-9219.37 	-2149.94 	71.606
    157 	RedRocks 	1 	-1008.68 	-1115.72 	47.046
    156 	RefugePointe 	0 	-1262.79 	-2521.75 	21.8021
    155 	RethressSanctum 	1 	2209.15 	-6439.12 	2.82327
    675 	RingOfTrials 	530 	-2043.35 	6654.84 	14.0532
    154 	RockOfDurotan 	30 	-896.41 	-525.78 	55.2313
    153 	RogueQuarter 	0 	1456.44 	104.917 	-60.8538
    13 	RottingOrchard 	0 	-11069.3 	-927.315 	64.502
    151 	RuinsOfAlterac 	0 	522.608 	-275.392 	151.689
    150 	RuinsOfAnderhol 	0 	1386.47 	-1518.8 	73.4034
    149 	RuinsOfEldarath 	1 	3546.8 	-5287.96 	110.935
    709 	RuinsOfEnkaat 	530 	3424.76 	3662.3 	153.686
    148 	RuinsOfIsildien 	1 	-5566.04 	1449.82 	21.1135
    152 	RuinsOfJubuwal 	0 	-13382.6 	2.10815 	22.8683
    147 	RuinsOfKelTheril 	1 	6476.2 	-4255.87 	666.203
    146 	RuinsOfLordaeron 	0 	1801.58 	237.355 	63.7537
    145 	RuinsOfMathystra 	1 	7373.38 	-938.331 	33.6196
    144 	RuinsOfRavenwind 	1 	-2858.35 	2611.48 	59.3777
    140 	RuinsOfSolarsal 	1 	-4861.19 	3516.7 	23.8659
    143 	RuinsOfStardust 	1 	2178.01 	-288.45 	98.3499
    142 	RuinsOfThaurissan 	0 	-7798.32 	-2171.41 	134.01
    141 	RuinsOfZulKunda 	0 	-11693.9 	702.532 	50.9689
    139 	RumoredEntrance 	0 	-10377.2 	-421.704 	64.6252
    138 	RustmaulDigSite 	1 	-6495.56 	-3472.69 	-57.7786
    137 	RuttheranVillage 	1 	8697.15 	954.138 	13.4829
    136 	SacrificeAltar 	0 	-11685.2 	-2384.64 	0.80816
    135 	SaldeansFarm 	0 	-10171.8 	1195.41 	37.4345
    134 	SandsorrowWatch 	1 	-7164.64 	-3142.55 	12.072
    133 	Sargeron 	1 	-242.347 	764.848 	99.7113
    132 	SarTherisStrand 	1 	-592.792 	2592.84 	16.467
    131 	Satyrnaar 	1 	2757.59 	-2967.58 	144.882
    130 	ScarabWall 	1 	-8108.6 	1528.42 	3.13028
    129 	ScarletMonastery 	0 	2843.57 	-692.134 	140.33
    528 	ScarletMonasteryEntrance 	189 	269.191 	-211.791 	20.201
    128 	ScarletWatchPost 	0 	3040.8 	-552.374 	123.216
    127 	Scholomance 	289 	199.427 	126.464 	135.912
    126 	ScreechingCanyon 	1 	-5467.33 	-1633.45 	30.4245
    732 	ScryersTier 	530 	-2147.6 	5524.94 	49.6637
    125 	ScuttleCoast 	1 	242.548 	-5151.46 	2.60441
    124 	SearingGorge 	0 	-7176.63 	-937.667 	171.206
    123 	SenjinVillage 	1 	-827.924 	-4924.43 	20.9659
    122 	SentinelHill 	0 	-10510 	1046.89 	61.518
    121 	SentryPoint 	1 	-3459.39 	-4130.3 	17.3786
    28 	Sepulcher 	0 	507.784 	1611.33 	125.921
    120 	Seradene 	0 	724.846 	-3996.11 	150.735
    119 	Sewers 	0 	1652.9 	732.491 	81.3365
    118 	ShadowfangKeep 	0 	-202.557 	1666.88 	80.7641
    117 	Shadowglen 	1 	10696 	765.934 	1322.33
    637 	ShadowmoonValley 	530 	-2848 	3190 	9
    748 	shadowmoonvillage 	530 	-3080.99 	2566.8 	62.5054
    116 	ShadowpreyVillage 	1 	-1596.16 	3145.26 	68.8338
    115 	ShadraAlor 	0 	-464.208 	-2837.23 	111.073
    114 	ShadyRestInn 	1 	-3719.26 	-2530.63 	70.58
    113 	ShaolWatha 	0 	222.281 	-4312.26 	118.769
    112 	ShatteredStrand 	1 	4260.73 	-6273.64 	91.2289
    111 	ShatterScarVale 	1 	5483.9 	-749.881 	335.621
    645 	Shattrath 	530 	-1722.58 	5382.7 	2.47504
    110 	ShrineOfAessina 	1 	2681.05 	377.693 	68.8608
    109 	ShrineOfRemulos 	1 	7849.78 	-2196.98 	474.579
    648 	Silvermoon 	530 	9414.18 	-7278.97 	15.2031
    741 	silvermystisle 	530 	-5050.23 	-11040.9 	26.4853
    108 	SilverpineForest 	0 	511.536 	1638.63 	121.417
    107 	SilverwindRefuge 	1 	2135.27 	-1189.9 	99.8206
    683 	Skettis 	530 	-3833.27 	3537.57 	280.895
    106 	SkitteringDark 	0 	1293.65 	1957.71 	20.5619
    105 	SkullRock 	1 	1452.83 	-4877.14 	12.8788
    104 	Slaughterhouse 	0 	2719.29 	-5479.3 	160.542
    103 	SleepingGorge 	0 	-10592.5 	-2131.21 	92.4703
    102 	SlitheringScar 	1 	-7849.33 	-1366.02 	-271.196
    101 	SludgeFen 	1 	1059.54 	-3003.53 	92.6441
    100 	SollidenFarmstead 	0 	2268.03 	1333.63 	35.7835
    99 	SorrowHill 	0 	1064.09 	-1718.04 	62.1348
    97 	SouthfuryRiver 	1 	114.769 	-3758.95 	18.8907
    96 	SouthGateOutpost 	0 	-5475.44 	-2425.32 	414.455
    95 	Southshore 	0 	-821.604 	-544.654 	16.0387
    98 	SouthTidesRun 	0 	-577.865 	1807.08 	9.2492
    94 	SouthwindVillage 	1 	-7200.2 	392.124 	25.9073
    667 	SpawningGlen 	530 	-128.514 	8792.86 	26.0892
    747 	spiritfields 	530 	-2388.93 	8137.34 	-42.685
    93 	SpiritRise 	1 	-1009.29 	231.283 	135.587
    92 	SpiritRock 	1 	-861.457 	-4283.67 	78.7991
    91 	SplinterspearJunction 	0 	-10382.5 	-2605.1 	22.6849
    90 	SplintertreePost 	1 	2188.61 	-2514.28 	82.0246
    27 	StagnantOasis 	1 	-1330.17 	-3120.07 	92.6667
    644 	StairwayOfDestiny 	530 	-247.047 	938.144 	85.3426
    89 	StarBreezeVillage 	1 	9859.09 	588.761 	1301.61
    88 	StarfallVillage 	1 	7166.17 	-3986.87 	743.872
    87 	SteamwidlePort 	1 	-6942.47 	-4847.1 	1.66785
    86 	SteelgrillsDepot 	0 	-5470.37 	-662.312 	393.674
    737 	stillpinehold 	530 	-3427.67 	-12346.2 	14.0987
    85 	Stockades 	34 	49.8212 	0.870144 	-15.7136
    84 	Stonard 	0 	-10487.3 	-3256.87 	40.8964
    678 	StonebreakerHold 	530 	-2586.72 	4374.48 	28.9619
    82 	StonebullLake 	1 	-2543.98 	-327.013 	-13.2089
    83 	StoneCairnLake 	0 	-9325.33 	-1038.92 	66.3535
    26 	StonefiledFarm 	0 	-9964.72 	391.509 	36.6555
    81 	StoneheartOutpost 	30 	24.9432 	-304.787 	15.5986
    80 	StonemaulRuins 	1 	-4354.46 	-3275.34 	47.0475
    79 	StonesplinterValley 	0 	-5930.62 	-2939.03 	370.491
    78 	Stonetalon 	1 	898.482 	922.688 	127.788
    77 	StonetalonMountains 	1 	1145.85 	664.812 	143
    76 	StonetalonPeak 	1 	2506.3 	1470.14 	263.722
    75 	Stonewatch 	0 	-9385.46 	-3039.27 	140.437
    74 	StonewatchFalls 	0 	-9482.57 	-3325.85 	9.74276
    73 	StonewroughDam 	0 	-4771.99 	-3329.01 	346.504
    72 	StonewroughtPass 	0 	-6356.7 	-2079.11 	244.571
    70 	StormrageBarrowDens 	1 	7565.92 	-2898.29 	461.126
    69 	Stormwind 	0 	-8913.23 	554.633 	94.7944
    68 	StormwindBank 	0 	-8937.08 	640.4 	101.645
    67 	StormwindCanals 	0 	-8675.39 	635.774 	97.9275
    60 	StormwindCastle 	0 	-8437.41 	349.017 	121.886
    66 	StormwindCathedralOfLight 	0 	-8513.49 	861.197 	112.039
    65 	StormwindCathedralSquare 	0 	-8635.62 	762.727 	104.667
    384 	StormwindDwarvenDistrict 	0 	-8434.69 	605.975 	95.9669
    59 	StormwindKeep 	0 	-8491.71 	397.008 	109.386
    64 	StormwindMageQuarter 	0 	-8896.36 	834.148 	100.521
    63 	StormwindOldTown 	0 	-8662.9 	498.212 	101.833
    58 	StormwindStockadesEntrance 	0 	-8764.83 	846.075 	88.4842
    62 	StormwindTradeDistrict 	0 	-8852.03 	652.878 	97.46
    57 	StormwindVaultEntrance 	0 	-8667.56 	623.563 	86.4054
    61 	StormwindWizardsSanctum 	0 	-9007.65 	870.424 	149.618
    56 	StoutlagerInn 	0 	-5390.18 	-2953.93 	323.03
    55 	Strahnbrad 	0 	679.813 	-965.173 	165.598
    54 	StranglethornVale 	0 	-11634.8 	-54.0697 	14.4439
    53 	Stratholme 	0 	3176.63 	-4039.28 	106.464
    71 	StromgardeKeep 	0 	-1661.42 	-1804.2 	84.0723
    713 	SunfuryHold 	530 	2541.15 	2365.98 	129.508
    52 	SunkenTemple 	0 	-10349.1 	-3849.67 	-24.6078
    51 	SunkenTempleInside 	109 	-314.229 	99.88 	-130.849
    50 	SunRockRetreat 	1 	948.365 	955.29 	105.506
    671 	SunspringPost 	530 	-1517.63 	8518.93 	2.05655
    643 	SunstriderIsle 	530 	10459 	-6366.37 	40.7917
    759 	Swv 	0 	-8633.65 	592.709 	95.6905
    691 	Sylvanaar 	530 	2059.58 	6850.45 	173.517
    25 	TaintedScar 	0 	-12134.7 	-2455.53 	20.61
    49 	TalondeepPath 	1 	1943.14 	-741.766 	114.11
    48 	Tanaris 	1 	-7373.69 	-2950.2 	11.7598
    47 	TarrenMills 	0 	-7.3559 	-936.734 	63.3336
    46 	Teldrassil 	1 	10708.8 	762.092 	1322.37
    662 	Telredor 	530 	251.544 	6018.07 	45.3214
    718 	TempestKeep 	530 	3102.07 	1523.94 	202.859
    45 	TempleGardens 	1 	9935.34 	2506.11 	1318.82
    44 	TempleOfArkkoran 	1 	4060.07 	-7258.75 	8.64345
    43 	TempleOfAtalHakkar 	0 	-10429.4 	-3828.84 	-30.63
    656 	TempleOfTelhamat 	530 	143.998 	4333.33 	107.364
    42 	TempleOfTheMoon 	1 	9674.56 	2524.82 	1334.9
    636 	TerokkarForest 	530 	-1177 	5336 	31
    41 	TerraceOfRepose 	0 	2922.59 	-740.071 	154.983
    40 	Terrordale 	0 	2963.22 	-2791.65 	111.827
    39 	TerrorRun 	1 	-7817.09 	-1036.34 	-264.721
    38 	TerrorwebTunnel 	0 	2741.58 	-2471.74 	75.78
    37 	Thalanaar 	1 	-4517.1 	-780.415 	-39.736
    653 	thalassianpass 	530 	6116.45 	-7001.25 	138.533
    36 	ThandolSpan 	0 	-2336.47 	-2509.82 	86.2212
    751 	theblacktemple 	530 	-3604.62 	325.196 	38.7894
    736 	theexodar 	530 	-4014.31 	-11896.7 	-2.01595
    17 	Thelsamar 	0 	-5335.61 	-2982.58 	333.669
    14 	TheramoreIsle 	1 	-3729.36 	-4421.41 	31.4474
    15 	TheramoreIsleLighthouse 	1 	-3688.18 	-4760.14 	1.90968
    742 	thevectorcoil 	530 	-1910.12 	-10777.2 	96.6617
    734 	thevice 	0 	-10931.4 	-2282.57 	117.132
    10 	ThoradinsWall 	0 	-839.599 	-1590.32 	55.1962
    9 	ThoriumPoint 	0 	-6492.69 	-1035.33 	347.993
    659 	ThornFangHill 	530 	-240.915 	5148.91 	84.3922
    8 	ThousandNeedles 	1 	-4932.53 	-1596.05 	85.8157
    657 	Thrallmar 	530 	50.5559 	2670.73 	79.4644
    7 	ThreeCorners 	0 	-3239.78 	-2461.01 	16.6003
    6 	ThreeFrozenAncients 	1 	6200 	-1035 	388
    24 	ThroneRoom 	0 	1628.3 	239.925 	65.5006
    5 	ThunderAxeFortress 	1 	-439.192 	1708.22 	126.856
    4 	Thunderbluff 	1 	-1285.42 	176.523 	130.994
    3 	Thunderbrew 	0 	-5601.46 	-530.747 	396.483
    2 	ThunderhornWaterWell 	1 	-1829.21 	-231.982 	-8.42481
    694 	ThunderlordStronghold 	530 	2348.34 	6042.66 	142.466
    1 	ThunderRidge 	1 	925.127 	-4038.29 	-12.338
    542 	TimbermawHold 	1 	6794.4 	-2076.2 	625.165
    543 	TimbermawPost 	1 	6485.09 	-3158.42 	571.607
    544 	TinkerTown 	0 	-4830.77 	-1271.9 	502.868
    545 	TiragardeKeep 	1 	-141.195 	-4987.04 	22.7237
    546 	TirisfalGlades 	0 	2019.35 	1904.36 	106.144
    640 	TopOfTheDarkPortal 	530 	-236.91 	963.275 	283.03
    702 	ToshleysStation 	530 	1906.86 	5565.86 	263.32
    548 	TowerOfAlgalor 	0 	-9281.94 	-3332.11 	116.566
    549 	TowerOfAlthalaxx 	1 	7177.46 	-761.607 	60.6101
    550 	TowerOfAzora 	0 	-9527.48 	-686.064 	63.2502
    551 	TowerPoint 	30 	-695.936 	-427.201 	88.9976
    552 	TradesmensTerrace 	1 	9764.55 	2313.62 	1328.68
    553 	TranquilGardenCemetery 	0 	-10993.3 	-1331.19 	53.7805
    631 	Tranquillien 	530 	7557 	-6889 	97
    679 	Turrem 	530 	-2159.33 	4216.82 	7.11131
    554 	TwilightGrove 	0 	-10385 	-424.696 	64.534
    642 	TwilightPortal 	530 	573 	8655 	20.3
    555 	TwilightPost 	1 	-6750.62 	1593.26 	7.71623
    669 	TwilightRidge 	530 	-1509.79 	9789.96 	200.032
    556 	TwilightShore 	1 	4988.97 	547.002 	6.37929
    557 	TwilightVale 	1 	4916.99 	328.43 	37.7678
    665 	TwinSpireRuins 	530 	217.006 	7084.48 	36.2275
    558 	TyrsHand 	0 	1683.56 	-5329.52 	74.6664
    559 	Uldaman 	70 	-228.193 	46.1602 	-45.0186
    560 	Undercity 	0 	1831.26 	238.53 	61.52
    564 	UndercityApothecarium 	0 	1410.31 	430.512 	-79.3588
    561 	UndercityCaves 	0 	1614.68 	643.289 	38.0547
    562 	UndercityMagic 	0 	1786.82 	47.9279 	-28.1457
    563 	UndercityRogues 	0 	1466.11 	49.6445 	-61.2932
    565 	UndercityTrade 	0 	1586.48 	239.562 	-51.149
    566 	UndercityWar 	0 	1658.95 	303.76 	-41.6923
    567 	Undercroft 	0 	1718.68 	-3281.46 	90.6587
    568 	UnGoroCrater 	1 	-7932.49 	-2139.61 	-229.728
    569 	Ursolan 	1 	4219.37 	-5609.95 	119.166
    182 	UthersTomb 	0 	981.477 	-1821.84 	81.4872
    570 	ValgansField 	0 	964.877 	1238.75 	49.0979
    571 	ValleyOfHeroes 	0 	-8951.62 	524.373 	97.6275
    572 	ValleyOfHonor 	1 	2002.99 	-4698.97 	25.646
    573 	ValleyOfKings 	0 	-5840.93 	-2577.82 	311.546
    574 	ValleyofSpears 	1 	-1270.57 	2849.63 	114.745
    575 	ValleyOfSpirits 	1 	1551.21 	-4180.58 	41.3741
    576 	ValleyOfStrength 	1 	1719.05 	-3948.28 	50.0563
    577 	ValleyOfTheWatchers 	1 	-9418.25 	-2761.61 	20.9639
    578 	ValleyOfTrials 	1 	-598.204 	-4330.15 	38.6841
    579 	ValleyOfWisdom 	1 	1931.81 	-4282.29 	30.0671
    580 	ValorsRest 	1 	-6379.74 	-304.357 	-0.86658
    743 	vectorcoil 	530 	-1910.12 	-10777.2 	96.6617
    704 	VeilVekh 	530 	1707.87 	4624.35 	145.297
    581 	VentureCoBaseCamp 	0 	-12026.1 	-524.549 	11.8818
    582 	VentureCoMine 	1 	-1445.53 	-1064.14 	144.596
    23 	VerdantFields 	169 	-2128.12 	-1005.89 	133.213
    12 	Vice 	0 	-10889.8 	-2291.2 	118.131
    11 	ViceCorners 	0 	-10853 	-2087.44 	122.918
    583 	VileReef 	0 	-12133.7 	938.409 	3.74307
    584 	Village 	0 	2016.11 	-4486.36 	74.6226
    700 	VortexPinnacle 	530 	2320.12 	7291.25 	366.475
    585 	WailingCaverns 	1 	-746.207 	-2213.18 	15.8909
    586 	WallingCavernsEntrance 	43 	-164.996 	135.503 	-72.2155
    688 	WardensCage 	530 	-3755.01 	1073.32 	71.5691
    670 	WarmaulHill 	530 	-755.055 	8815.91 	183.978
    587 	WarQuarters 	0 	1775.76 	418.224 	-57.0309
    588 	WarriorsTerrace 	1 	9951.55 	2279.6 	1342.39
    589 	WarsongLumberCamp 	1 	2690.32 	-3452.45 	114.582
    590 	WarsonGulch 	48 	-152.984 	106.33 	-39.0953
    591 	WeaselsCrater 	1 	-5878.11 	-3864.68 	-60.0863
    592 	WebwinderPath 	1 	591.836 	327.223 	47.658
    594 	WellspringLake 	1 	10376.8 	1625.69 	1289.91
    595 	WestbrookGarrison 	0 	-9646.46 	679.589 	38.4136
    596 	WesternStrand 	0 	-1019.67 	-359.442 	6.13463
    597 	Westfall 	0 	-10645.9 	1179.06 	49.1781
    598 	WestfallLighthouse 	0 	-11399.2 	1947.85 	11.1451
    599 	Wetlands 	0 	-4086.36 	-2610.95 	47.0143
    600 	WhelgarsExcavationSite 	0 	-3522.96 	-1848.58 	26.1502
    602 	WhisperingGardens 	0 	2795.02 	-753.797 	139.036
    601 	WhisperingShore 	0 	2538.92 	1407.01 	6.69061
    749 	wildhammer 	530 	-4003.83 	2171.21 	104.563
    604 	WildhammerKeep 	0 	357.22 	-2106.09 	122.839
    750 	wildhammerstronghold 	530 	-4003.83 	2171.21 	104.563
    605 	WildmaneWaterWell 	1 	-758.744 	-149.474 	-26.712
    606 	WildpawRidge 	30 	-419.025 	-532.699 	85.0135
    607 	WildShore 	0 	-14692.4 	506.162 	2.78241
    608 	WindshearCrag 	1 	1160.25 	51.3229 	2.072
    609 	WinteraxHold 	30 	-149.652 	26.6353 	78.0384
    610 	WinterSpring 	1 	6107.62 	-4181.6 	853.322
    611 	WitherbarkVillage 	0 	-1763.41 	-3371.67 	41.609
    612 	WorldTree 	1 	5622.56 	-3378.82 	1585.45
    22 	WrithingHaunt 	0 	1487.77 	-1884.87 	60.2039
    613 	Wyrmbog 	1 	-4682.97 	-3607.63 	59.45
    744 	wyrmscarisland 	530 	-1321.61 	-12282.6 	14.6898
    614 	Xavian 	1 	2926.99 	-2817.98 	212.872
    616 	YorgenFarmstead 	0 	-11105.4 	-500.791 	33.8518
    666 	Zabrajin 	530 	267.331 	7854.57 	24.8333
    690 	Zangramarsh 	530 	30.4181 	6983.48 	149.681
    617 	ZiataJaiRuins 	0 	-12697.1 	-462.157 	30.9788
    618 	Ziggaraut 	0 	2433.31 	-3782.06 	186.472
    619 	ZoramsStand 	1 	3652.24 	928.308 	8.01517
    754 	ZulAman 	530 	6850 	-7950 	170
    620 	ZulFarrak 	209 	1221.82 	840.746 	9.97647
    621 	ZulGurub 	309 	-11942.6 	-1544.28 	40.5945
    622 	ZulGurubVillage 	0 	-12332.5 	-1859.81 	131.321
    623 	ZulMashar 	0 	3386.86 	-4931.45 	162.093
    624 	ZunWatha 	0 	-35.7245 	-2479.51 	121.423
    625 	ZuuldaiaRuins 	0 	-11683.1 	925.209 	4.64735
    There you go al 100+ recals

    also .recal list for ingame
    .recal port <location>

    Greetings jarmale
    Last edited by jarmale6; 05-11-2008 at 09:16 AM.

  5. #5
    Rawlsku-'s Avatar Member
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    Feb 2008
    Thanks G/R
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    What i meant to say, they have CUSTOM .recall names for their 'vip' areas, and theres so friggin many of other custom ports, so things starting with AAA wont show.

    Might try the coords tho...

    I come from Winland, I speak Winnish and I'm called a 'Winn'

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